Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Covent Garden Ladies 1788: Miss Holland

Harris's List of Covent-Garden Ladies for the year 1788

Miss Holland

Miss H—ll—nd, No. 2, York-Street, Queen-Ann-Street.

No time shall pass without that dear delight,
I'll talk of love all day, and aca it all the night;
Pleasure and I as to one goal design'd,
Will run with equal pace, while sorrow lays behind.

Those who choose to sail the island of love in a first rate ship, or to enclose an armful of delight, must be pleased with this lady; who, tho' only seventeen and short, is very fat and corpulent; yet, notwithstanding, she is a fine piece of frailty; her face is handsome and her nut brown locks, which are placed above and below, promise a luscious treat to the voluptuary. Her temper is agreeable and pleasing, and she is so far from being mercenary, that a single guinea is the boundage of her wish.