Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: The Womens Pills

The Womens Pills.

Take powdered Savine, Dittany of Creet, each 1 dram; Myrrh, Galbanum, Gum Ammoniac, Castor, each 2 drams; make all into a Mass with Syrup of Mugwort.

These are forceable to bring the necessary Pains in Child- Birth, to expel the AfterBirth when left behind, and increase the Cleansings. But let nothing be over done; as soon as ever Matters answer, and the Intention is satisfied, you must hold your Hand and give no more. And always remember this necessary Rule, never to give any Forcers, where the Child lieth not right for a Birth. The Dose is 1 scruple, or half a dram.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710