Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 The Resurrection Men: The Diary of Joseph Naples

Resurrection Man: the Diary of Joseph Naples

The Diary

Explanation of terms used in the diary

BadA body too putrid to be saleable
CribBurial ground
ExtraThe extremities of a body
Looking outObserving what funerals are happening
MissFail to obtain a corpse
On handA corpse not yet sold
LargeThe body of a full-size adult
SmallA body under 3ft in length

[The spelling of the Diary has been preserved in the reprint, but as there is no attempt at punctuation in the original, stops have here been added to make some of the entries more intelligible. The writer’s capital letters, too, have not been strictly followed in the reprint.]

1811 November

Thursday 28th. At night went out and got 3, Jack & me Hospital Crib, [ Slang for a burial-ground ] Benjn, Danl & Bill to Harpers, [ Harper is probably the name of the keeper of a burial-ground ] Jack & me 1 big Gates, [ This occurs often in the Diary, and was evidently a favourite place for meeting. It was, doubtless, the entrance to some burial-ground, but the place cannot be determined ] sold 1 Taunton Do St Thomas’s.

Friday 29th. At night went out and got 3, Jack, Ben & me got 2, Bethnall Green, Bill & Danl. 1 Bartholow. Crib opened; [ i.e. a body which had had a post mortem performed on it was obtained from the burial-ground attached to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital ] whole at Barthw.

Saturday 30th. At night went and got 3 Bunhill Row, sold to Mr. Cline, St. Thomas’s Hospital.

1811 December

Sunday 1st. We all lookd. out, [ watched to see what funerals were taking place during the day ] at Home all night.

Monday 2nd. Met at St. Thomas’s, Got paid for the 3 adults & settled; met and settled with Mordecei, [ Michael Mordecai, a receiver of stolen goods ] made Him up £2 5s. 6d. and Receipt of all demands. At Home all night.

Tuesday 3rd. Went to look out and brought the Shovils from Bartholw., Met early in the evening at Mr. Vickers, [ probably the landlord of a public-house ] did not go out that night, Butler and me came home intoxsicated.

Wednesday 4th. At night went out and got 10, whole went to Green [ Green Churchyard - possibly St Giles, Cripplegate but other churches use the term as well ] and got 4, Black Crib 1, Bunner [ Bunhill ] fields 5.

Thursday 5th. The whole at home all night.

Friday 6th. Removed 1 from Barthol. to Carpue. At night went out and got 8, Danl. at home all night. 6 Back St. Lukes & 2 Big Gates: went 5 Barthol. 1 Frampton 3 St. Thomas’s, 3 Wilson.

Saturday 7th. At night went out & got 3 at Bunhill Row. 1 St. Thomas’s, 2 Brookes. [ Joshua Brookes, founder of the Blenheim Street, or Great Marlborough Street, Anatomical School ]

Sunday 8th. At home all night.

Monday 9th. At night went out and got 4 at Bethnall Green.

Tuesday 10th. Intoxsicated all day: at night went out & got 5 Bunhill Row. Jack all most buried.

Wednesday 11th. Tom & Bill and me removed 5 from St. Bartholw., 2 Wilson, 2 Brookes, 1 Bell in the evening got 1 Harps, [ Abbreviation for Harpers ] went to St. Thomas’, at home all night.

Thursday 12th. I went up to Brookes and Wilson, afterwards me Bill and Daniel went to Bethnall Green, got 2; Jack, Ben went got 2 large & 1 large small back St. Luke’s, [ Either St. Luke’s Church or St. Luke’s Hospital in Old Street ] came home, afterwards met again & went to Bunhill row got 6, 1 of them with —— [ words so crossed out that they cannot be deciphered; in all probability it originally read ‘with their —— throat cut.&rsquot; ] named Mary Rolph, aged 46, Died 5th Dec. 1811.

Friday 13th. At Home all day & night.

Saturday 14th. Went to Bartholomew tookd. two Brookes: Packd 4 and sent them to Edinborough, came Home to Benn., settled £14 6s. 2½d. each man, came home, got up at 2 me Jack & Bill went to Bunhill Row and got 3. Ben & Daniel staid at home.

Sunday 15th. At home all day, Got up at 3 a.m. The whole party went to Harps, got 3, Went to St. Thomas’s.

Monday 16th. At home all day & night Ill.

Tuesday 17th. At home all day & do. night.

Wednesday 18th. At Home all day & do. night.

Remember me when far away

Thursday 19th. Went to Bartholomew, At home all night.

Friday 20th. Went to St. Thomas’s, came home and went to the play, came home: at 3 A.M. got up and went to the Hospital Crib got 5 large.

Saturday 21st. Went to St. Thomas’s sent 1 to Mr. Taunton, [ John Taunton, founder of the City of London Truss Society, a demonstrator at Guy’s Hospital under Cline, and at this time principal lecturer to the London Anatomical Society ] 2 to Edinburgh, St. Thomas’s took 6 of the above this week, came home and stopt at home all night.

Sunday 22nd. Went and look’d out, at 4 o’clock, got up, party went to Harps got 3 large and 2 small, the whole went to Barthm.

Monday 23rd. Went for orders to Wilson and Brookes, Met Bill, Brought one to Carpue, Sent him back to bring 2 from Bartholw. 1 for Brookes, 1 for Bell, Benn and Jack got 5 small at Harpers.

Tuesday 24th. At twelve at midnight a party went to Wygate got 3 small, came back and got 2 large at Newington, Came home then settled at Benn, Each man’s share £8 16s. 8d., at home all night.

Wednesday 25th. At Home all day and night.

Thursday 26th. At Home all day and night.

Friday 27th. Went to look out, Came home met Ben and Danl at 5 o’clock, went to Harps, got 1 large and took it to Jack’s house, Jack, Bill and Tom not with us, Geting drunk.

Saturday 28th. At 4 o’clock in the morning got up, with the whole party to Guy’s and St. Thomas’s Crib, got 6 took them to St. Thomas’s. Came home and met at Thomas’s again, packd. up 3 for Edinbro, took one over to Guys.

Sunday 29th. At home all day and night.

Monday 30th. Butler and Danl, took 1 large to Framton, large small to Hornig.

Tuesday 31st. Met at the Harty Choak, [ Artichoke Public-house ] had dispute about the horse.

1812 January

Wednesday 1st. Got up at 3 in the morning, the whole party went to Guys and St. Thomas’, got 3 adults, 1 from Guy’s and 2 from St. Thomas’, took them to St. Thomas’, came home and met again, took one of the above to Guy’s, settled for the Horse £24. At home all night. Miss Naples.

Thursday 2nd. Went down to St. Thomas’s, got paid £7 17 6 for one adult open Do not. Came home, met by agreement at St. Thomas’s, did not go out, Bill not there, Came home again, at home all night.

Friday 3rd. Went to St. Thomas’s, took the Fœtus to the London, Recd. 10s. 6d. Came back to St. Thomas’s Recd. £4 4s. 0d., Went home, Met by agreement, Went to the Green got 5, Jack, Benn and me; Danl. and Bill at home, took the above 5 to Bartholw. at home all night.

Saturday 4th. Met at Bartholow., they took 4 of the above, 1 sent to Edinburgh, 1 went to Brookes, Carpue and Wilson for orders, Came back, at home all night.

Sunday 5th. At home all day. Met at 5, whole went to Newin. [ Newington ] got 3. Jack and me took them to Wilson, Came home, met at 12, got 5 & 2 small at Harps, afterwards went to the Big Gates, got 3 adults, left Danl. at home, took the whole to Barthom.

Monday 6th. Went to Barthw., took 1 to the London, Jack & Tom 1 to Harnige, Do 1 to St. Thomas’s. Came home, in all night.

Tuesday 7th. At home all day, Tom removed 1 from the borough to Bartholomw. fetched £2., from there took 2 to Mr. Wilson, Do to Brookes.

Wednesday 8th. At 2 A.M. got up, the Party went to Harps, got 4 adults and 1 small, took 4 to St. Thomas’s, Came home went to Mr. Wilson & Brookes, Danl. got paid £8 8 0 from Mr. Wilson I recd. 9 9 0 from Mr. Brookes, Came over to the borough, sold small for £1 10 0, Recd. £4 4 0 for adult, At home all night.

Thursday 9th. Went down to St. Thomas’s, got paid £8 8 0, 2 adults: at home all night.

Friday 10th. Met at St. Thomas’s, settled each man’s share £12 12 0, 3 things [ Bodies ] on hand.

Saturday 11th. At 4 A.M. got up & went to the Hospital Crib, got 2 adults, met at Bartholw., packed up 2 for the Country, sold 1 at St. Thomas’s: at home all night.

Sunday 12th. At Home all day, at 11 p.m. met & the whole went to Wygate, got 2 adults & 2 small, afterwards went to the Green, got 2 large & 1 large small, Took them to Bartholw.

Monday 13th. Took 2 of the above to Mr. Brookes & 1 large & 1 small to Mr. Bell, Fœtus to Mr. Carpue, small to Mr. Framton, Large small to Mr. Cline. Met at 5, the party went to Newington, 2 adults. Took them to St. Thomas’s.

Tuesday 14th. At 1 A.M. got up, Benn., Bill & me went to St. Luke’s, 2 adults; Jack, Danl. Big Gates, 1 large & 1 small, took them to Bartholw., Came home & went to St. Thomas’s, afterwards went to the other end of the town for orders. At home all night.

Wednesday 15th. Went to St. Thomas’s, Came back, pack’d up 2 large & 1 small for Edinburgh. At home all night.

Thursday 16th. The party met at the Hartichoak. Settled the above, Each man’s share £8 4s. 7½d. At home all night.

Friday 17th. Went & look out: came home met at 11, party except Danl., Went to the Hospital Crib & got 4, was stopt by the patrols, Butler, Horse & Cart were taken.

Saturday 18th. Went to the White horse, Butler bailed: at home all night.

Sunday 19th. Went & look’d out, at home all night, Could not get the horse out of the Stable.

Monday 20th. At home all day & night, Butler & Jack got drunk.

Tuesday 21st. Look’d out, Jack & Butler drunk as before, hindred us of going out. At Home.

Wednesday 22nd. At 4 o’clock in the morning got up, Bill & me went to the Hospital Crib and 1 for Mr. Cooper’s [ Afterwards Sir Astley Cooper ] Lectures, had a dispute with the party, at home all night. Ben got drunk.

Thursday 23rd. Met at 10 at night, went to Wygate, got 4 large and 1 small, went to the Green got 3 large. Danl, not with us.

Friday 24th. Met at 11 at night. Met the patrols. Got one Hospital Crib and 6 at Bermondsey, took them to Bartholw., sent 3 to the Country.

Saturday 25th. Met at Bartholomew. Took 1 to Mr. Carpue; St. Bartholw. took 2: at home all night.

Sunday 26th. Went to Big Gates to Look out, came home, at home all night.

Monday 27th. At 2 o’clock in the morning got up, met the party except Danl., Went to the Big gates, got 4 Took them to Bartholw., Afterwards met, took 1 to Mr. Cline, 2 to Mr. Wilson, came home. Tom & Bill got drunk, did not go out.

Tuesday 28th. Went to Bartholw., could not sell, came back to the Borough & came home, at home all night.

Wednesday 29th. Went to Barthow. brought remaining 2 to St. Thomas’s, at home all night.

Thursday 30th. Went to St. Thomas’s, at home all night.

Friday 31st. Went to look out, at night went out, got 2 Guys & Thomas’s, same night 3 Harps 2 small: same night the Cart broke down, took 2 to Guys.

1812 February

Saturday 1st. Went to Bartholw., did not settle, at home all night.

Sunday 2nd. Went to look out, met at 5 in the evening, went to the Green, got 7 large & 3 small and 3 fœtus. Same night went to Wygate 4 large & 2 small. Took them to Bartholomew.

Monday 3rd. Went to Bartholomew, at home all night.

Tuesday 4th. Met at Bartholomew, settled each man’s share £21 9s. 4d., Met at night, went to Guy’s got 3 adults. Took them to Bartholomew: at home all night.

Wednesday 5th. Went to Bartholw. Met at night. Got 5 at Newington.

Thursday 6th. Went to St. Thomas’s: at home all night.

Friday 7th. Met together me & Butler went to Newington, thing bad. [ body putrid, and therefore of no use for anatomical purposes ] Jack & Bill went to Goswell St . [ Probably Church of St. Thomas, Charterhouse ] got 1. Came home met again. Danl. Bill & me went to St. Johns got 2 adults. Benn and Jack went to Flemish got nothing, took 2 St. Thomas’s.

Saturday 8th. Went to St. Thomas’s, at home all night.

Sunday 9th. Went to Look out, at home all night.

Monday 10th. Met. Went to St. James’s. Got 9 large & 4 small, took them to Bartholw.

Tuesday 11th. Went to Bartholw. Moved the things. At home all night.

Wednesday 12th. Went to Look out, Met at night, went to St. Olives. Got 2 adults and 1 Do Bermondsey, Took them to St. Thomas’s.

Thursday 13th. Met at St. Thomas’s. At home all night.

Friday 14th. Met by appointment, me & Jack went to Big gate got 4, the rest went to St. Luke’s got 2, took them to Bartholw.

Saturday 15th. Met at Bartholw. At home all night.

Sunday 16th. Went to Look out, at home all night.

Monday 17th. Met & went to Wiegate. Got 8 large & 1 small. Took them to St. Thomas’s.

Tuesday 18th. Met at St. Thomas’s. Took 2 over to Guy’s. Came home & settled each man’s share £23 6s. 9d. On hand 2 open’d Large, 3 small & 3 fœtus not paid, at home all night.

Wednesday 19th. At Home all day sick. John Harnet and Butler got drunk, at home all night.

Thursday 20th. Met and went to Pancress [ not the St. Pancras Church in the Euston Road, but the old parish church situated on the north side of the road leading from King’s Cross to Kentish Town ] got 15 large & 1 small took them to Bartholw.

Friday 21st. Met at Bartholw. Sold part, came home. Met at 2 a.m. went to St. Thomas’s Crib. Got 3 large, met the Patrols, took 1 to St. Thomas’s and 2 to Bartholw.

Saturday 22nd. Met at Bartholw. Sent 7 into the Country, distributed the rest about town. At home all night.

Sunday 23rd. At Home all day and night.

Monday 24th. Bill Jack Tom and Benn with Nat Ure Getting drunk oblige to Come Home in a Coach which prevented us going out to Harps.

Tuesday 25th. At home all day, at Night met at Jack to go to Harps. the moon at the full, could not go.

Wednesday 26th. Went to look out. Could not go out Jack and Tom got drunk. Benn. taken very ill.

Thursday 27th. Went to St. Thomas’s, sold the extremities. At night Tom & Bill got drunk at the Rockingham Arms, at Home all night.

Friday 28th. Met at Jacks Got 4 large 1 Small and 1 Fœtus, Harps. Took them to the London.

Saturday 29th. Met at St. Thomas’s at home all night.

1812 March

Sunday 1st. Met & went to the Big gates got 3. Took them to St. Thomas’s, not settled.

Monday 2nd. Met at Mr. Vickers, Jack & Tom went to the fight, at home all night.

Tuesday 3rd. Went to St. Thomas’s, at night went to Pencress got 8 adults, 2 small and 2 fœtus.

Wednesday 4th. Met at Jack’s & settled, at home all night.

Thursday 5th. Went to St. Thomas’s; at night early, went out & got 1 St. Thomas’s Crib: at home all night.

Friday 6th. Went to look out Big gates Green, at night got 1 Big gates.

Saturday 7th. At Home all day and night.

Sunday 8th. Met at Night, Jack, Tom & Danl. went to Harps got 5 Large, Bill and me went to the Big gates, missd. [ Failed to get a body ]

Monday 9th. At Home all day and night.

Tuesday 10th. Went to St. Thomas’s & settled.

Wednesday 11th. Went to the Big Gates to Look out, at night the party went to the above Place and again missd., all got drunk.

Thursday 12th. At Home all day & night.

Friday 13th. Went to look out, met at night and went to Wiegate got 5 large, also went to the Green got 8 large took them Bartholomew.

Saturday 14th. Met at Barthol. sent 5 to Edinburgh, Mr. Wilson 3, Brookes 2, Barthol. 1. Settled each man’s share £3 6 8. 2 on hand. [ Bodies unsold ]

Sunday 15th. Went to Look out, at night went to St. John’s, Got 1 Large and 1 Large Small, Burnt. Took the Large to Wilson, small to St. Thomas’s. Paid Hollis £11 11 0 at the order of Miss Kay.

Monday 16th. At Home all day went to Harps got 3 Large and 1 Large Small, 1 Small, and 1 Fœtus, took 2 Large to St. Thomas’s, 1 Large to Guy’s, Large Small to Mr. Frampton and 1 small to Mr. Taunton. Mr. Frampton called at 7 in the evening.

Tuesday 17th. Went to the Borough: at Night met at 6 in the evening, went to the Flemish, Jack, Benn. & myself. Got 2 adults, Bill not with us, took the above 2 to St. Thomas’s. Big gate for time is very well.

Wednesday 18th. Went to the Big gates to Look out. came home, at home all night which was a very bad thing for us as we wanted some money to pay our debts to several persons who were importunate.

Thursday 19th. Met at Jack and settled each man’s share £6 18 4: at 6 in the evening went to the Meeting Crib [ Probably a burial-ground attached to a meeting-house ], 1 Large and 1 small, afterwards went to the Big gates got 2 Large took them to Barthw.

Friday 20th. Went to St. Thomas’s, at home all night.

Saturday 21st. Jack and Tom got 2 Large small, 1 Frampton 1 Taunton. Recd. for the above £3 13 6 Do. £4 4 0: at home all night.

Sunday 22nd. Went to the Green, at Home all night.

Monday 23rd. At home all night.

Tuesday 24th. Do.

Wednesday 25th. Went to Pancress got 5 adult, Took them to Bartholomew.

Thursday 26th. Went to Look out, Jack got 2 Large small. 1 Do. Frampton £3 13 6 1 Do. Mr. Taunton £4 4 0.

Friday 27th. Went to Look out, at Home all night.

Saturday 28th. Jack got 1 large small for Mr. Cline £4 4 0, at Home all night.

Sunday 29th. Went to the Green; at home all night.

Monday 30th. At Home all day & night.

Tuesday 31st. Went to Pancress got 5 adults Ben Bill & me. Dan’l Jack and Tom went to Harps, missed.

1812 April

Wednesday April 1st. Party went to the Green got 4 adults; being the 1st of April the man left us a new Hat. [ The diary is torn at the margin in this place: the word ‘left’ is probably correct, but who ‘the man’ was cannot be determined ]

Thursday 2nd. Went Bill & me to the Big Gates 2 adults and 1 small, Jack, Ben and Dan’l got 4 adults, Harps.

Friday 3rd. Went to look out and distribute the above, met at Jack’s at night, Ben being Drunk disappoint’d the party.

Saturday 4th. Met and settled £108 13s. 7d. each man’s share £18 2s. 3d., at Home all night.

Sunday 5th. Went to look out met at Jack’s at 10, not coming home in time did not go out.

[No date put.] Tom & me went to Olives,[ St. Olave’s ] did not succeed.

At this point the diary leaves off abruptly: the entries from Friday 7th to Saturday 29th are in a different handwriting from the rest of the MS.

1812 August

Friday 7th. Went to look out Hollis & myself could not find Bill, went to St Johns, then to White Chappell returned at night, went to White Chappel did not succeed, came back went to St. Johns, the other party had got the adult, coming back with the ladder, Bill got taken unto the Watchhouse, [ Probably from information given to the police by the other party ] with the ladder, came home.

Saturday 8th. canines 11 shillings: went to union hall [ the police court in Union Street, Southwark until 1845 ] Bill got clear the party went to Bartholomew. At Night went to We. Chappel got 4 adults, one small, took 2 to Bartholm. 2 & 1 Small to St. Thomas’s. Horse & Cart.

Sunday 9th. at home all day & night, Wortley came concerning horse & cart.

Monday 10th. went to St. Thos. got paid for 1 adult £4 4s. 0d. went to Bartholm. got paid £4. 4s. 0d. row’d with Ben did not settle each man had £2 2s. 0d, left with Hollis £2 2s. 0d. for Expences, at home all night.

Tuesday 11th. had information Crouch had cut the subjects [ i.e. had spoiled them for anatomical purposes; very likely to be done out of spite, as on the previous day they had row’d with Ben (Crouch) ] went to St. Thoms, had not cut them, Bartholm. they had, went to differt. parts of the Town for orders, settled our Expence & what we had Recd. each man’s share £3 1s. 2½d. one adult St Thoms. 1 London Do unpaid ½ Do Bartholn. unpaid; at night went to Hoxton, 1 Large Yellow Jaundice sold at Brooks.

Wednesday 12th. Went to look out, at night went to Bartholm. Crib. cut off the extremitys took to Bartholm.—Recd. £1 0s. 0d.

Thursday 13th. Went to St Thomas’s Crib could not succeed came back to the White horse, Bill got arrested, [ Evidently for debt ] Millard pd. the Debt I got drunk would not go out, Bill & Hollis went to Weigate got 1 adult male, took to the Boro, Recd. £2 0s. 0d.

Friday 14th. Went to Barthol swaggd. the Extras [ extremities ] to St. Thos. at night went to Weigate got 1 male took them to Brooks Dan — — [ illegible ] Recd. £1 1 0

Saturday 15th. Went to different places, at Night went to pancs. [ St. Pancras ] Missd. Recd. £1 0 0

Sunday 16th. Went to look out, at Night went to Harp’s got 1 adult male took to Wilson 1 Small Do, took to Barthow: a Porter carried the large. Hollis did not go in.

Monday 17th. went & got paid for the above, small fetched three guineas, at night went to Connells. got 1 adult M. [ Male ] Danl, carried to St Thos. Hollis did not go in, Recd. £1 0 0.

Tuesday 18th. Went to different places, at night went to the play. Recd. £1 10 0.

Wednesday 19th. Went as above at night Flemish 1 adt. male, took to St Thomas’s got paid; likewise head, Millard gave £1 1 0 for it.

Thursday 20th. As above, at night went to Flemish 1 adult male, took to St Thos. Recd £1 12 0.

Friday 21st. Went to different places, settled our quarrell by agreeing with Mr. Stanley [ Edward Stanley, Surgeon to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital ] to bring in a subject for Lecture, removed the above from St. Thoms at night, went to Harp’s got 1 adult M. underneath took to St. Thoss.

Saturday 22nd. Went to look out me & Hollis, Bill staid in the Boro, got paid £4 4 0 for the above a very queer one, received but two Guineas for the one at Barthl. would not do for Lecture, Settd. each man’s share £1 16s. 6d., at night the party went to Weigate, the thing bad.

Sunday 23rd. Went to look out at different places. Holliss met with Ben at St. George’s agreed to meet at Lamberts with the seperate partys: met, lookd at each other nothing transpired concerning the Business, our party went to Harp’s could not get in the private [ Private door into the burial-ground, probably generally left unlocked for them by the custodian; for some special reason it was closed on this particular night ] door being shut, came home.

Monday 24th. Our party went to Bartholm. met with Ben and Daniel partly agreed me & Ben went in the Cart to different places to look out coming back by Charing Cross met the Jews [ In all probability Israel Chapman, a Jew, who was in the resurrection trade; the object of following was to try and prevent his doing any business. ] Drag touted till Dark and lost scent came home did not go out that night.

Tuesday 25th. Understood the Jew had brought a Male to Bartholm. Met by appointment at the above place, had a row, came home after looking out, met by agreement at 4 p.m. (Crouch having over slept himself two hours) went to St Jns workd. three places only got two adults M. and F. on account of not having time, took the above to Mr Frampton.

Wednesday 26th. Seperated to look out. Holliss got paid in part £6 from Mr. F. I took from the above £1. the party met at night, Ben Bill & Tom Light went to St Geos got 2 adults M. & F. took 1 Willson M. & F. Bartholm me Jack and Hollis went to Isln. could not succeed the dogs flew at us, afterwards went to Pancrs found a watch [ probably placed there by friends of the deceased ] planted, came home.

Thursday 27th. Went to look out, Hollis got paid the remainder at Frampton £2 8 0. Met at night at St. Thos.—very light could not go out (came home).

Friday 28th. Seperated to look out, brought the F. from Bartholn. to St. Thomas, having not settled took from Hollis £1 0 0, afterwards met at St. Thos. & went to St. Jns, Ben not with us work’d two holes one bad, drew the C.ns [ i.e. opened two graves; one body too decomposed to bring away, so they drew the canine teeth and sold them ] & took the above to St. Thos.

Saturday 29th. Met at St Thos. could not get Pd for either. Borrowed £2 of Jack, at home all night.

Sunday 30th. Went to look out, at night went to H. got two large Ms. went to St Thos. removed 1 to Wilson, 1 adult came from St Jns.

Monday 31st. Went to look out —— —— —— [ crossed out and illegible ] old small £1 10 0 got pd one do Wilson’s at Night met except Bill went to Connn got 2 adults M. & F. took to Bartholm. one small do.

1812 September

Tuesday 1st. Went to Bartholm Got Paid for 2 adults £8 8 0, at night met, me and Light went to Connelly got 2 adults M. and one large size small F., Jack Bill & Hollis went to Weigate, got 1 large & 2 small, took 2 the above to Frampton 1 M. & Do. F. 1 large & 2 small to St Thos. 1 small to Wilson.

Wednesday 2nd. Went to the London Hollis got Canines £8 8 0, Bill got paid for 1 large M. £4 4 0. I recd. £4 4 0 for 1 large size small, Bill Recd. £1 0 0 for the F. that come from St George 1 Small came Wiegate went to Wilson. Recd. £2 0 0 for 1 large Small came from Wiegate, went to St Thomas’ not sold being putrid: at night the party met & divided, me & Hollis went to Harp’s workd. the thing, proved to be bad, Jack Bill & Toms. Light went to Westminster

1812 October

Monday 5th. Went to look out at different places, at night party went to Lambh got 2 adults and 9 small took the whole to the Borough. Mr. Cline took the about [above], 2 adults £8 8 0 from Lambh. & 1 small from Do £3 13 6.

Tuesday 6th. At Night did not go out.

Wednesday 7th. Went to look out Jack & Ben had a Row at the White Horse: did not go out.

Thursday 8th. Party went to see the fight did not go out.

Friday 9th. Went to look out at different places. At night went to St. Olave, got 2 adults M. & F. M. was opened took them to St. Thomas’s; again met, I got drunk, I missd. going with the party. They seperated, part went to Lambeth got 1 adult F. They missed, one took that to the Boro the others (Except Ben who was getting drunk) went to Connolly got 1 adult F., took that to Bartholomew, & removed the other same place.

Saturday 10th. Met at Bartholm. Mr. Stanley took three of the above 2 F. £8 8 0 one adult M. being opened £3 13 6d, left one on hand, came home, in all night

[The above entry finishes a page: the back of this page is occupied by a table for finding the moon’s age on any given day: this was most useful to the resurrection-men, as they could not work undisturbed on moonlight nights.]

Sunday 11th. Went to look out at Night the whole party went to the Black (Jack with us for the first time going out) got three adt. M., then to Connolly two adt. M. & F. took the whole to St. Thos. came home.

Monday 12th. Went to St. Thos. Cline had taken the above, went to Lambh. in the evening met by appointment, at home, Drew up an Account but did not settle Jack & Bill not being present and others having over drawn met again at twelve, the whole excepting Butler went to Lambeth got 5 adts. 1 Small, Took 2 of the above & 1 small to Wilson 1 do Carpue, 2 do Brooks, came home.

Tuesday 13th. Went to Bartholm. me Ben Jack & Butler could not find the others, myself came to the Boro sold 1 small that was on hand for £1. Came home afterwards went to Tomlight [ Tom Light ] understood he had recd. the money got £5 from him, came home, at home all night

Wednesday 14th. Went to Lambh. look out, at home all night on account of Ben getting out of the way, did not go out, had a dispute at Hollis’s House Child’s dance.

Thursday 15th. Went to look out, came home went to the play, afterward met at the White horse, the party excepting Ben had a row with Hollis; seperated me, Light & Butler went Lamb. 2 adts, Jack, Bill & Mr. Hollis went to Connelly 5 adults, also went to St. Geoe. 4 adts. on account of the Boy deceiving us at Lambh. lost the above 4 at St. Geoe. Ben went to France.

Friday 16th. Met and went Wiegate got three adults 2 F. 1 M. took to Bartholm. Jack & Tom brought the cart, came home.

Saturday 17th. Met at Bartholw. recd. £2 0 0 went to Lambh. Pd. the man £1 1 0 came home, at home all night.

Sunday 18th. Went to look out, nothing done, at home all night.

Monday 19th. Went to Lambh. got 1 Adult M. [ opened another whole but bad with the small pox ] [ words crossed out in the ms ] took the above M. to Barthm. came home, Butler not with us.

Tuesday 20th. Went to Bartholw. Bill had got Pd. for the above Male I borrowed of him £1 10 0, went to Lambh. came home at night met at the White [Horse] Hollis myself Jack & Tom Light, Bill not with us could not find his clothes [ i.e. the clothes specially used for resurrection work; they would naturally be clay-stained, and if worn during the day would betray their owner’s occupation ]: went to Lambh. two adults M. took to Bartholw. Butler again not with us came home.

Wednesday 21st. Went to Bartholm got Pd. the above 2 adt. gave Light & Hollis 4s. 2d. gave Jack £2 0 0 kept £2 2 0 myself, came home, but Hollis & Light went to the Hospital Crib got 1 adult male took to St Thos. shared the money betwixt them: likewise 1 Pound for a small, at home all night.

Thursday 22nd. went to look out, followed a black [ funeral ] from Tower hill, came home and met at We. horse, the party except Butler went to Lambh. got 3 adults 2 M. 1 F. (left one behind us) 1 small & 1 Fœtus, took them to the Boro.

1812 November

Monday 16th. the party went to Tottenham got 4 adults, Wilson 2. Abernethy 1. 1 on hand

Tuesday 17th. At home.

Wednesday 18th. At home.

Thursday 19th. Met with Hutton at Smithfield, Bill me & Ben went to St Ts got 2 ad. Jack remained with Hutton, the party went Bartholm. Cb. got 2 ad. the whole Abernethy. Gave one to Hutton for information.

Friday 20th. Butler got drunk in the morning, the party except him met at Bartholm. Me Jack & Ben went to St Ts. got 4 adt. sent Bill again after Tom to bring the Cart, took them to Bartholm. Me Jack & Ben went to Blue Lion got 1 adt. sent Bill to bring Tom with the Cart, took that to Bartholm. came over the water got 2 adt. Guys Cb. & 1 at Thos. Crib. pack up 4 for Edinbro on the Saturday: settled our money at home all night.

Sunday 22nd. Lookd. out at St Ts. B.—Ln [ Blue Lion ]—and Tottn at home all night.

Monday 23rd. Met at Barthm. went to St Ts. got 3 took them to Wilson, Bill took 1 ad. to Frampton.

Tuesday 24th. Went & movd. one of the above to Carpue, got pd. came home met at Jack at 5, Bill not at home, did not go out till morning. Jack sold the Canines to Mr. Thomson for 5 Guineas.

Wednesday 25th. Met at Jack at 2 p.m. Butler & myself went to the B. Ln. got 1 adt. Jack, Ben & Bill went Pancs. got 5 adt. & 1 small, took them to Bartholw. Removed 3 to Cline, got 2 sets of cans. [ canine teeth ]

Thursday 26th. Met at Bartholm, me & Jack went to Tottenhm. got 1 adt. Ben & Bill went to St Ths. Do 3 large came home me & Jack got 1 Tottenhm Bill & Ben 1 large 2 small.

Friday 27th. Met at Plough, went to St Ts. 6 adt. 1 small. Met the man with the lanthorn [ i.e. the watchman ]: took them Bartholm. went to Golden Lane 1 adt. 1 small gave Jack Hutton £1 as a share, took to the above place.

Saturday 28th. Met at Barthol. disposed of the above except 1 adt. opened, 3 small, sent three to Edinboro. Drew up our Account, came home Met at Jack, did not settle, at home all night.

Sunday 29th. Went Look out at Blue Ln. &c. did not go out Jack Bill & Tom Drunk the reason as Ben said for not going out.

Monday 30th. Settled our Account up to Saty. on hand 1 adt. Opd. & Small three; met at Bartholn. me Bill & Jack Hutton went to B. Lyon got 1 adt. got up at four in the morning Tuesday, Butler Bill & me brought the above to St Thos’.

1812 December

Tuesday 1st. Met at Tottenham Court Road had a dispute in St. Ts Crib. Came home did not do anything. came to the Rockingham Arms, got Drunk

Wednesday 2nd. Met at Vickers rectifyd. our last account, the party sent out me & Ben to St Thos. Cb. got 1 adt., Bill & Jack Guys Crib 2 adt but one of them opd. Butler look out for us, took them to St. Thos. came home Met at St Thos., me & Jack went to Tottm. got 4 adts Ben & Bill got ad6 s1 f1. at Pancrass took Tottenm to Wilson, Pans. to Barthol.

Thursday 3rd. Met at Windll. St. disposed of 2 of the above to Wilson, went to Bartholw. came home for the night.

Friday 4th. Met at Vickers packd. up one for Shute, afterwards went to St Thos. got 6 adt. took them to Barthm. left Ben & Jack Hutton to pack up for Edinbro, afterwards Jack me & Bill went to Tottm. got 3 adt. took them to Bartholm.

Saturday 5th. Remain’d at Barthm. packing up for Edinboro, sent 12 to the wharf for the above place, at home all night.