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18th Century Thieves Cant
Body : Body
APPLE DUMPLIN SHOPA womans bosom.1811
BELLOWSThe lungs.1811
BREAD BASKETThe stomach; a term used by boxers. I took him a punch in his bread basket; i.e. I gave him a blow in the stomach.1811
CHITTERLINSThe bowels. There is a rumpus among my bowels, i.e. I have the colic. The frill of a shirt.1811
DUGSA womans breasts,1811
HEAVERThe breast. CANT.1811
KETTLEDRUMSCupids kettle drums; a womans breasts, called by sailors chest and bedding.1811
PAUNCHThe belly. Some think paunch was the original name of that facetious prince of puppets, now called Mr. Punch, as he is always represented with a very prominent belly: though the common opinion is, that both the name and character were taken from a celebrated Italian comedian, called Polichenello.1811
PUDDINGSThe guts: Ill let out your puddings.1811
SOUL CASEThe body. He made a hole in his soul case; he wounded him.1811
TRIPEBelly or Guts.1737
TRIPEThe belly, or guts. Mr. Double Tripe; a fat man. Tripes and trullibubs; the entrails: also a jeering appellation for a fat man.1811
WIND-MILLThe fundament. She has no fortune but her mills; i.e. she has nothing but her **** and a*se.1811
Body : Buttocks
BLIND CHEEKSThe breech. Buss blind cheeks; kiss mine a-se.1811
BLIND CUPIDThe backside.1811
BLIND-CHEEKSthe Breech.1737
BUMFIDDLEThe backside, the breech. See ARS MUSICA.1811
CHEEKSAsk cheeks near cunnyborough; the repartee of a St. Gilses fair one, who bids you ask her backside, anglice her a-se. A like answer is current in France: any one asking the road or distance to Macon, a city near Lyons, would be answered by a French lady of easy virtue, Mettez votre nez dans mon cul, & vous serrez dans les Fauxbourgs.1811
COOLERThe backside. Kiss my cooler. Kiss my a-se. It is principally used to signify a womans posteriors.1811
CRACKERthe Backside; also Crust1737
DOUBLE JUGGA mans backside. Cottons Virgil.1811
DOUGLASRoby Douglas, with one eye and a stinking breath; the breech. Sea wit.1811
FEAKThe fundament.1811
FUNis also used for the Backside; as, Ill kick your Fun, i. e. Ill kick your Breech. Likewise for Game of Diversion; as We had rare Fun with him.1737
NANCYthe posteriors1819
NOCKThe breech; from NOCK, a notch.1811
PRATTSThighs or Buttocks; also a Tinder-box or Touch-box.1737
PRATTSButtocks; also a tinder box. CANT.1811
ROBY DOUGLASS, with one eye and a stinking breatThe breech.1811
ROUND MOUTHThe fundament. Brother round mouth, speaks; he has let a fart.1811
Body : Ears
LUGSEars or wattles. See WATTLES.1811
PRICK-EAREDA prick-eared fellow; one whose ears are longer than his hair: an appellation frequently given to puritans, who considered long hair as the mark of the whore of Babylon.1811
WATTLESEars; also Sheep-folds.1737
Body : Excrement
DANNAhuman, or other excrement.1819
DILBERRIESSmall pieces of excrement adhering to the hairs near the fundament.1811
PILGRIMS SALVEA sirreverence, human excrement.1811
SIR REVERENCEHuman excrement, a t--d.1811
TANTADLIN TARTA sirreverence, human excrement.1811
Body : Eyes
GLAZIERSEyes. The Cove has rum Glaziers.1737
LAMPAn eye. The cove has a queer lamp. The man has a blind or squinting eye.1811
LAMPSthe eyes; to have queer lamps, is to have sore or weak eyes.1819
OGLESEyes Rum Ogles, fine, bright clear, piercing Eyes.1737
OGLESEyes. Rum ogles; fine eyes.1811
PEEPERSEyes. Single peeper, a one-eyed man.1811
SEESThe eyes. See DAYLIGHTS.1811
SINGLE PEEPERA person having but one eye.1811
TOP LIGHTSThe eyes. Blast your top lights. See CURSE.1811
Body : Face
BRACKET-FACEDUgly, hard-featured.1811
BRAN-FACEDFreckled. He was christened by a baker, he carries the bran in his face.1811
BRANDY-FACEDRed-faced, as if from drinking brandy.1811
CARBUNCLE FACEA red face, full of pimples.1811
CORNY-FACEDA very red pimpled face.1811
CRIBBAGE-FACEDMarked with the small pox, the pits bearing a kind of resemblance to the holes in a cribbage-board.1811
FREE AND EASY JOHNSA society which meet at the Hole in the Wall, Fleet-street, to tipple porter, and sing bawdry.1811
FRIDAY-FACEA dismal countenance. Before, and even long after the Reformation, Friday was a day of abstinence, or jour maigre. Immediately after the restoration of king Charles II. a proclamation was issued, prohibiting all publicans from dressing any suppers on a Friday.1811
FROSTY FACEOne pitted with the small pox.1811
GILLSThe cheeks. To look rosy about the gills; to have a fresh complexion. To look merry about the gills: to appear cheerful.1811
HATCHET FACEA long thin face.1811
HUMBUGSThe brethren of the venerable society of humbugs was held at brother Hallams, in Goodmans Fields.1811
JOWLThe cheek. Cheek by jowl; close together, or cheek to cheek. My eyes how the cull sucked the blowens jowl; he kissed the wench handsomely.1811
MUGthe face ; a queer mug is an ugly face.1819
MUNNSFace; Toute his Munns, Note his Phiz, or, Mark his Face well. Pay his Munns, i.e. Strike him in the Face, etc.1737
PHYSOGThe face. A vulgar abbreviation of physiognomy.1811
PHYZThe face. Rum phyz; an odd face or countenance.1811
RICH FACE, or NOSEA red pimpled, face.1811
RICH-Facea red-Face.1737
RUBY FACEDRed-faced.1811
SMOCK-FACEDFair faced.1811
STUB-FACEDPitted with the smallpox: the devil ran over his face with horse stabs (horse nails) in his shoes.1811
WEASEL-FACEDThin, meagre-faced. Weasel-gutted; thin-bodied; a weasel is a thin long slender animal with a sharp face.1811
Body : Genitalia
ARBOR VITAEA mans penis.1811
BOTTOMLESS PITThe monosyllable.1811
BROWN MADAM, or MISS BROWNThe monosyllable.1811
BUCKINGERS BOOTThe monosyllable. Matthew Buckinger was born without hands and legs; notwithstanding which he drew coats of arms very neatly, and could write the Lords Prayer within the compass of a shilling; he was married to a tall handsome woman, and traversed the country, shewing himself for money.1811
BUNA common name for a rabbit, also for the monosyllable. To touch bun for luck; a practice observed among sailors going on a cruize.1811
DUMB GLUTTONA womans privities.1811
EVES CUSTOM-HOUSE where Adam made his first entry The monosyllable.1811
FRUITFUL VINEA womans private parts, i.e. that has FLOWERS every month, and bears fruit in nine months.1811
MADGEThe private parts of a woman.1811
MATRIMONIAL PEACE-MAKERThe sugar-stick, or arbor vitae.1811
MISS LAYCOCKThe monosyllable.1811
MONEYA girls private parts, commonly applied to little children: as, Take care, Miss, or you will shew your money.1811
MONOSYLLABLEA womans commodity.1811
MOTHER OF ALL SAINTSThe Monosyllable.1811
MUFFa Womans Secrets, To the well wearing of your Muff, Mort; To the happy Consummation of your Marriage, Madam. A Health.1737
MUFFThe private parts of a woman. To the well wearing of your muff, mort; to the happy consummation of your marriage, girl; a health.1811
NOTCHThe private parts of awoman.1811
PEGOThe penis of man or beast.1811
PITCHERThe miraculous pitcher, that holds water with the mouth downwards: a womans commodity. She has crackd her pitcher or pipkin; she has lost her maidenhead.1811
PLUG TAILA mans penis.1811
QUIMThe private parts of a woman: perhaps from the Spanish quemar, to burn. (CAMBRIDGE) A pieces furbelow.1811
RANTALLIONOne whose scrotum is so relaxed as to be longer than his penis, i.e. whose shot pouch is longer that the barrel of his piece.1811
RUN GOODSA maidenhead, being a commodity never entered.1811
SUGAR STICKThe virile member.1811
TALLYWAGS, or TARRYWAGSA mans testicles.1811
THOMASMan Thomas; a mans penis.1811
TOOLSThe private parts of a man.1811
TUZZY-MUZZYThe monosyllable.1811
VENERABLE MONOSYLLABLEPudendum muliebre.1811
WATER-MILLA womans private parts.1811
WELL-HUNGThe blowen was nutts upon the kiddey because he is well-hung; the girl is pleased with the youth because his genitals are large.1811
WHIFFLESA relaxation of the scrotum.1811
WHORE PIPEThe penis.1811
Body : Hair
CARROTSRed hair.1811
POISON Patered Haired.1737
SORRELA yellowish red. Sorrel pate; one having red hair.1811
STROMMELStrap, or Hair, as, She hath good Store of Strommel on her Nob.1737
STRUMMELthe hair of the head. To get your strummel faked in twig, is to have your hair dressed in style.1819
TURNIP Patewhite or Fair-haird.1737
TURNIP-PATEDWhite or fair-haired.1811
Body : Head
COSTARDHead. Ill give ye a Knock on the Costard; Ill hit ye a Blow on the Pate1737
COSTARDThe head. Ill smite your costard; Ill give you a knock on the head.1811
CROWN OFFICEThe head. I fired into her keel upwards; my eyes and limbs Jack, the crown office was full; I s--k-d a woman with her a-e upwards, she was so drunk, that her head lay on the ground.1811
IDEA POTThe knowledge box, the head. See KNOWLEDGE BOX.1811
JOBBERNOLEThe head.1811
JOLLY, or JOLLY NOBThe head. Ill lump your jolly nob for you; Ill give you a knock on the head.1811
JOLTER HEADA large head; metaphorically a stupid fellow.1811
KNOBHead or Skull.1737
KNOBThe head. See NOB.1811
KNOWLEDGE BOXThe head.1811
NOBThe head.1811
NODDLEThe head.1811
NOUS-BOXThe head.1811
PATEThe head. Carroty-pated; red-haired.1811
PIMPLEThe head.1811
POLLThe head, jolly nob, napper, or knowledge box; also a wig.1811
SCONCEThe head, probably as being the fort and citadel of a man: from SCONCE, an old name for a fort, derived from a Dutch word of the same signification; To build a sconce: a military term for bilking ones quarters. To sconce or skonce; to impose a fine. ACADEMICAL PHRASE.1811
UPPER STORY, or GARRETFiguratively used to signify the head. His upper story or garrets are unfurnished; i.e. he is an empty or foolish fellow.1811
Body : Limbs
DADDLESHands. Tip us your daddle; give me your hand. CANT.1811
DEW BEATERSFeet. Cant.1811
DUCK LEGSShort legs.1811
DUMB ARMA lame arm.1811
DURHAM MANKnocker kneed, he grinds mustard with his knees: Durham is famous for its mustard.1811
FAMthe hand.1819
FAMBLESRings; also the Hands.1737
FAMS, or FAMBLESHands. Famble cheats; rings or gloves. CANT.1811
FINAn arm. A one finned fellow; a man who has lost an arm. SEA PHRASE.1811
FOREFOOT, or PAWGive us your fore foot; give us your hand.1811
FORKSthe two fore-fingers of the hand; to put your forks down, is to pick a pocket.1819
GAMESThin, ill-shapped legs: a corruption of the French word jambes. Fancy gambs; sore or swelled legs.1811
GAMSthe legs, to have queer gams, is to be bandylegged, or otherwise deformed.1819
MARROWBONESThe knees. To bring any one down on his marrow bones; to make him beg pardon on his knees: some derive this from Marys bones, i.e. the bones bent in honour of the Virgin Mary; but this seems rather far- fetched. Marrow bones and cleavers; principal instruments in the band of rough music: these are generally performed on by butchers, on marriages, elections, riding skimmington, and other public or joyous occasions.1811
MAULEYthe hand.1819
MAWLEYA hand. Tip us your mawley; shake hands. with me. Fam the mawley; shake hands.1811
MITTENSthe hands.1819
PAWA hand or foot; look at his dirty paws. Fore paw; the hand. Hind paw; the foot. To paw; to touch or handle clumsily.1811
PINSLegs. Queer pins; ill shapen legs.1811
PINSthe legs.1819
RAMMERThe arm. The busnappers kenchin seized my rammer; i.e. the watchman laid hold of my arm. CANT.1811
SHANKSLegs, or gams.1811
SMITERan Arm.1737
SMITERAn arm. To smite ones tutor; to get money from him. ACADEMIC TERM.1811
SPOON HANDThe right hand.1811
STUMPSLegs. To stir ones stumps; to walk fast.1811
TRAP STICKSThin legs, gambs: from the sticks with which boys play at trap-ball.1811
WELCH COMBThe thumb and four fingers.1811
Body : Mouth
BLUBBERMouth, Ive stopt the Culls Blubber, Ive stopt the Fellows Mouth; meant either by gagging or murdering him.1737
BLUBBERThe mouth.--I have stopped the culls blubber; I have stopped the fellows mouth, meant either by gagging or murdering him.1811
BONE BOXThe mouth. Shut your bone box; shut your mouth.1811
CHOPSThe mouth. I gave him a wherrit, or a souse, across the chops; I gave him a blow over the mouth, See WHERRIT.1811
GAB, or GOBThe mouth. Gift of the gab; a facility of speech, nimble tongued eloquence. To blow the gab; to confess, or peach.1811
GANThe mouth or lips. Cant.1811
GOBMouth; also a Bit or Morsel; hence Gobbets, now in use for Bits; Gift of the Gob, a wide, open Mouth; also a good Songster, or Singing Master.1737
GOBThe mouth; also a bit or morsel: whence gobbets. Gift of the gob; wide-mouthed, or one who speaks fluently, or sings well.1811
HIDEBOUNDStingy, hard of delivery; a poet poor in invention, is said to have a hidebound muse.1811
MUFFan epithet synonymous with mouth.1819
MUMMERThe mouth.1811
MUNSThe face, or rather the mouth: from the German word MUND, the mouth. Toute his muns; look at his face.1811
OVENA great mouth; the old woman would never have looked for her daughter in the oven, had she not been there herself.1811
POTATOE TRAPThe mouth. Shut your potatoe trap and give your tongue a holiday; i.e. be silent. IRISH WIT.1811
Body : Neck
COLQUARRONa Mans Neck; as, His Colquarron is just about to be twisted. He is just going to be turnd off.1737
COLQUARRONA mans neck. His colquarron is just about to be twisted; he is just going to be hanged. CANT.1811
CRAGthe Neck; also the Stomach, or Womb.1737
CRAGThe neck.1811
GUTTER LANEThe throat, the swallow, the red lane. See RED LANE.1811
GUTTER-LANEthe Throat.1737
NUBthe Neck; also Coition.1737
NUBThe neck; also coition.1811
RED LANEThe throat. Gone down the red lane; swallowed.1811
SQUEEZEthe neck.1819
THROTTLEThroat or Gullet; He siezed is Throttle: i.e. He took him by the Throat.1737
THROTTLEThe throat, or gullet.1811
WHISTLEthe Throat. Wet your Whistle: liquor your Throat.1737
WHISTLEThe throat. To wet ones whistle; to drink.1811
Body : Nose
BOWSPRITThe nose, from its being the most projecting part of the human face, as the bowsprit is of a ship.1811
CONKthe nose.1819
GIGNose; also a Womans Privities. Snichel the Gig, fillip the Fellow on the Nose. A young Gig, a wanton Lass.1737
GIGGA nose. Snitchel his gigg; fillip his nose. Grunters gigg; a hogs snout. Gigg is also a high one-horse chaise, and a womans privities. To gigg a Smithfield hank; to hamstring an over-drove ox, vulgarly called a mad bullock.1811
MALMSEY NOSEA red pimpled snout, rich in carbuncles and rubies.1811
MALMSEY-NOSEa jolly red Nose.1737
NOZZLEThe nose of a man or woman.1811
PUGNOSED, or PUGIFIEDA person with a snub or turned up nose.1811
SMELLERA nose. Smellers: a cats whiskers.1811
SNUB NOSEA short nose turned up at the end.1811
TRUNKNose. How fares your old Trunk? Does your Nose stand fast?1737
TRUNKA nose. How fares your old trunk? does your nose still stand fast? an allusion to the proboscis or trunk of an elephant. To shove a trunk: to introduce ones self unasked into any place or company. Trunk-maker like; more noise than work.1811
WEAR ITto wear it upon a person, (meaning to wear a nose, or a conk,) is synonymous with nosing, conking, splitting, or coming it, and is merely one of those fanciful variations so much admired by flash people.1819
Body : Related Terms
MUZZLEA beard.1811
Body : Teeth
COGA tooth. A queer cog; a rotten tooth. How the cull flashes his queer cogs; how the fool shews his rotten teeth.1811
GRINDERSTeeth. Gooseberry grinder; the breech. Ask bogey, the gooseberry grinder; ask mine a-se.1811
IVORIESTeeth. How the swell flashed his ivories; how the gentleman shewed his teeth.1811
SNAGGSLarge teeth; also snails.1811
Body : Tongue
CLACKWomans Tongue.1737
CLACKA tongue, chiefly applied to women; a simile drawn from the clack of a water-mill.1811
CLAPPERThe tongue of a bell, and figuratively of a man or woman.1811
MANCHESTERthe tongue.1819
MILL-Clappera Womans Tongue.1737
PRATING CHEATThe tongue.1811
QUAIL PIPEa Womans Tongue.1737
QUAIL-PIPEA womans tongue; also a device to take birds of that name by imitating their call. Quail pipe boots; boots resembling a quail pipe, from the number of plaits; they were much worn in the reign of Charles II.1811
RED RAGThe tongue. Shut your potatoe trap, and give your red rag a holiday; i.e. shut your mouth, and let your tongue rest. Too much of the red rag (too much tongue).1811
VELVETTongue. Tip the Velvet; To tongue a Woman.1737
VELVETTo tip the velvet; to put ones tongue into a womans mouth. To be upon velvet; to have the best of a bet or match. To the little gentleman in velvet, i. e. the mole that threw up the hill that caused Crop (King Williams horse) to stumble; a toast frequently drank by the tories and catholics in Ireland.1811