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18th Century Thieves Cant
Entertainment : Dice Games
COGto cheat at Dice. To Cog a Die; to conceal or secure a Die; also the Money or whatever the Sweetners drop, to draw in the Bubbles: Also to wheedle.1737
CRABSA losing throw to the main at hazard.1811
DICEThe names of false dice: A bale of bard cinque deuces A bale of flat cinque deuces A bale of flat sice aces A bale of bard cater traes A bale of flat cater traes A bale of fulhams A bale of light graniers A bale of langrets contrary to the ventage A bale of gordes, with as many highmen as lowmen, for passage A bale of demies A bale of long dice for even and odd A bale of bristles A bale of direct contraries.1811
DISPATCHERSLoaded or false dice.1811
DISPATCHESfalse dice used by gamblers, so contrived as always to throw a nick.1819
DOCTORSLoaded dice, that will run but two or three chances. They put the doctors upon him; they cheated him with loaded dice.1811
DOWN HILLSDice that run low.1811
DOWN-HILLSDice that run low.1737
DRIBBLEA method of pouring out, as it were, the dice from the box, gently, by which an old practitioner is enabled to cog one of them with his fore-finger.1811
FULHAMSLoaded dice are called high and lowmen, or high and low fulhams, by Ben Jonson and other writers of his time; either because they were made at Fulham, or from that place being the resort of sharpers.1811
HIGH JINKSA gambler at dice, who, having a strong head, drinks to intoxicate his adversary, or pigeon.1811
HIGHJINKSa Play at Dice who Drinks.1737
LONG GALLERYThrowing, or rather trundling, the dice the whole length of the board.1811
MUMCHANCEAn ancient game like hazard, played with dice: probably so named from the silence observed in playing at it.1811
NAPby cheating with the Dice to ecure one chance; also a Clap or Pox, and a short sleep, Nap the Wiper, steal the Hankerchief. You have napt it, You are Clapt.1737
NICK ITto win at Dice, to hit the Mark.1737
PASSAGEA camp game with three dice: doublets, making up ten or more, to pass or win; any other chances lose.1811
RATTLEA dice-box. To rattle; to talk without consideration, also to move off or go away. To rattle one off; to rate or scold him.1811
SHAKETo shake ones elbow; to game with dice. To shake a cloth in the wind; to be hanged in chains.1811
SHARPERS-TOOLSfalse Dice.1737
SLURa Cheat at Dice; also a slight Scandal or Affront.1737
SLURTo slur, is a method of cheating at dice: also to cast a reflection on any ones character, to scandalize.1811
STAMPA particular manner of throwing the dice out of the box, by striking it with violence against the table.1811
TAT MONGEROne that uses false dice.1811
TATSfalse Dice.1737
TATSFalse dice.1811
TATT-BOXa dice-box.1819
TATTSdice. 1819
TO COGTo cheat with dice; also to coax or wheedle, To cog a die; to conceal or secure a die. To cog a dinner; to wheedle one out of a dinner.1811
TO NAPTo cheat at dice by securing one chance. Also to catch the venereal disease. Youve napt it; you are infected.1811
To NICKTo win at dice, to hit the mark just in the nick of time, or at the critical moment.1811
UPHILLShigh Dice.1737
UPHILLSFalse dice that run high.1811
Entertainment : Gaming
BLEEDas, To bleed freely, i.e. To part with their Money easily.1737
BROADScards; a person expert at which is said to be a good broad-player.1819
CHUBHe is a young Chub, or a meer Chub, very ignorant or unexperiencd in Gaming, not at all acquainted with Sharping. A good Chub, said by the Butchers, when they have bit a silly raw Customer.1737
CHUBHe is a young chub, or a mere chub; i.e. a foolish fellow, easily imposed on: an illusion to a fish of that name, easily taken.1811
CLEANED OUTsaid of a gambler who has lost his last stake at play; also, of a flat who has been stript of all his money by a coalition of sharps.1819
CRIMPas, To play Crimp, to lay or bet on one Side, and (by foul Play) to let the other win, having a Share of the Purchase.1737
CROSS-BITEto draw in a Friend, yet snack with the Sharper; also to countermine or disappoint1737
DARBYready Money; as, The Cull tippd us the Darby; The Fellow gave us all his ready Money.1737
DOCTORa false Die that will run but two or three Chances. They put the Doctor upon him; they cheated him with false Dice.1737
EAGLEa winning Gamester.1737
FLATSa cant name for playing-cards.1819
FLY THE MAGSto gamble, by tossing up halfpence.1819
FORLORN HOPEA gamesters last stake.1811
FORLORN-HOPElosing Gamesters.1737
HEDGEto secure a desperate Bet, Wager or Debt. By Hedge or by stile, by Hook or by Crook1737
HEDGETo make a hedge; to secure a bet, or wager, laid on one side, by taking the odds on the other, so that, let what will happen, a certain gain is secured, or hedged in, by the person who takes this precaution; who is then said to be on velvet.1811
HISTORY OF THE FOUR KINGS, or CHILDS BEST GUIDE A pack of cards. He studies the history of the four kings assiduously; he plays much at cards.1811
HUNTINGdecoying, or drawing others into Play.1737
HUNTINGDrawing in unwary persons to play or game. CANT.1811
LEVANTING or RUNNING A LEVANTan expedient practised by broken gamesters to retrieve themselves, and signifies to bet money at a race, cockmatch, &c., without a shilling in their pocket to answer the event. The punishment for this conduct in a public cockpit is rather curious ; the offender is placed in a large basket, kept on purpose, which is then hoisted up to the ceiling or roof of the building, and the party is there kept suspended, and exposed to derision during the pleasure of the company.1819
PAMThe knave of clubs.1811
PLAYTo play booty; to play with an intention to lose. To play the whole game; to cheat. To play least in sight; to hide, or keep out of the way. To play the devil; to be guilty of some great irregularity or mismanagement.1811
PLAY IT OFFto play Booty; also to throw away, at Gaming, so much and no more. He plays it off, he cheats.1737
POMPTo save ones pomp at whist, is to score five before the adversaries are up, or win the game: originally derived from pimp, which is Welsh for five; and should be, I have saved my pimp.1811
POST or POST THE PONEYTo stake, or lay down the money, as on laying a bet, or concluding a bargain.1819
RUN A CRIMPto run a Race or Horse-match foully or knavishly.1737
SCONCETo build a large sconce; To run deep upon Tick or Trust.1737
SECRETas, Let into the Secret; When one is drawn in at Horse-racing, Cock-fighting, Bowling, and other such Sports or Games, and bit.1737
SECRETHe has been let into the secret: he has been cheated at gaming or horse-racing. He or she is in the grand secret, i.e. dead.1811
SKINto strip a man of all his money at play, is termed skinning him.1819
SLAMa Trick; also also a Game intirely lost, without getting one on that Side.1737
SLAMA trick; also a game at whist lost without scoring one. To slam to a door; to shut it with violence.1811
SPARKING BLOWSBlows given by cocks before they close, or, as the term is, mouth it: used figuratively for words previous to a quarrel.1811
SPARROWMumbling a sparrow; a cruel sport frequently practised at wakes and fairs: for a small premium, a booby having his hands tied behind him, has the wing of a cock sparrow put into his mouth: with this hold, without any other assistance than the motion of his lips, he is to get the sparrows head into his mouth: on attempting to do it, the bird defends itself surprisingly, frequently pecking the mumbler till his lips are covered with blood, and he is obliged to desist: to prevent the bird from getting a1811
STRIP THE TABLETo win all the Money on the Place. We have stript the Cull; We have got all the Fools Money. The Coves stript; The Rogue has not a Jack left to help himself.1737
SWABBERSThe ace of hearts, knave of clubs, ace and duce of trumps, at whist: also the lubberly seamen, put to swab, and clean the ship.1811
TAWA schoolboys game, played with small round balls made of stone dust, catted marbles. Ill be one upon your taw presently; a species of threat.1811
TO PLAY BOOTYto play with a design to lose.1737
TOM BRAY'S BILKlaying out ace and deuce at cribbage.1819
TOM BROWNtwelve in hand, or crib.1819
TOPto cheat or trick any one; also to insult. What, do you top upon me? Do you stick a little Wax to the Dice to keep them together, to get the Chance you would have? He thought to have topt upon me; He designed to have put upon, sharped, bullied, or affronted me.1737
TRAY TRIPAn ancient game like Scotch hop, played on a pavement marked out with chalk into different compartments.1811
TUP RUNNINGA rural sport practised at wakes and fairs in Derbyshire; a ram, whose tail is well soaped and greased, is turned out to the multitude; any one that can take him by the tail, and hold him fast, is to have him for his own.1811
TURFOn the turf; persons who keep running horses, or attend and bet at horse-races, are said to be on the turf.1811
VINCENTS LAWThe art of cheating at cards, composed of the following associates: bankers, those who play booty; the gripe, he that betteth; and the person cheated, who is styled the vincent; the gains acquired, termage.1811
WIBLINGS WITCHThe four of clubs: from one James Wibling, who in the reign of King James I. grew rich by private gaming, and was commonly observed to have that card, and never to lose a game but when he had it not.1811
WOOD PECKERA bystander, who bets whilst another plays.1811
WOOD-PECKERa By-stander that bets, while others game.1737
Young CUBa new Gamester drawn in to be rookd.1737
Entertainment : Plays and Operas
PLUMPFat, full, fleshy. Plump in the pocket; full in the pocket. To plump; to strike, or shoot. Ill give you a plump in the bread basket, or the victualling office: Ill give you a blow in the stomach. Plump his peepers, or day-lights; give him a blow in the eyes. He pulled out his pops and plumped him; he drew out his pistols and shot him. A plumper; a single vote at an election. Plump also means directly, or exactly; as, it fell plump upon him: it fell directly upon him.1811
Entertainment : Related Terms
CHAUNTA song.1811
CHAUNTa song; to chaunt is to sing; to throw of a rum chaunt, is to sing a good song.1819
FRISKfun or mirth of any kind,1819
GAFFto gamble with cards, dice, &c., or to toss up.1819
LARKA piece of merriment. People playing together jocosely.1811
LARKfun or sport of any kind, to create which is termed knocking up a lark.1819
RUMPUSa masquerade.1819
SPIN A YARNSee Yarn.1819
YARNyarning or spinning a yarn, is a favourite amusement among flash-people; signifying to relate their various adventures, exploits, and escapes to each other. This is most common and gratifying, among persons in confinement or exile, to enliven a dull hour, and probably excite a secret hope of one day enjoying a repetition of their former pleasures. See Boned. A person expert at telling these stories, is said to spin a fine yarn. A man using a great deal of rhetoric, and exerting all his art to talk another person out of any thing he is intent upon, the latter will answer, Aye, Aye, you can spin a good yarn, but it won't do; meaning, all your eloquence will not have the desired effect.1819
Entertainment : Sports
BULL HANKERSPersons who over-drive bulls, or frequent bull baits.1811
BULL-HANKERSmen who delight in th« sport of bull-hanking; that is, bull-baiting, or bullock-hunting, garnet which afford much amusement, and at the same time frequent opportunities of depredation, in the confusion and alarm excited by the enraged animal.1819
CROSS BUTTOCKA particular lock or fall in the Broughtonian art, which, as Mr. Fielding observes, conveyed more pleasant sensations to the spectators than the patient.1811
DRUMMERA jockey term for a horse that throws about his fore legs irregularly: the idea is taken from a kettle drummer, who in beating makes many flourishes with his drumsticks.1811
HANKa bull-bait, or bullock-hunt.1819
SPANK(WHIP) To run neatly along, beteeen a trot and gallop. The tits spanked it to town; the horses went merrily along all the way to town.1811
Entertainment : Tricks and Cheats
AMUSEMENTa blind, or feint.1737
BAMa Sham or Cheat: a knavish Contrivance to amuse or deceive.1737
BAMA jocular imposition, the same as a humbug. See HUMBUG.1811
BANBURY STORYof a Cock and a Bull, an idle Relation, in order to pick Acquaintance on the Road, till a convenient Place or Opportunity offer to rob or plunder.1737
BANBURY STORY OF A COCK AND A BULLA roundabout, nonsensical story.1811
BLINDa Feint, a Pretence, a shift.1737
BLINDA feint, pretence, or shift.1811
BRIDGETo make a bridge of any ones nose; to push the bottle past him, so as to deprive him of his turn of filling his glass; to pass one over. Also to play booty, or purposely to avoid winning.1811
BRIDGEto bridge a person, or throw him over the bridge, is, in a general sense, to deceive him by betraying the confidence he has reposed in you, and instead of serving him faithfully, to involve him in ruin or disgrace; or, three men being concerned alike in any transaction, two of them will form a collusion to bridge the third, and engross to themselves all the advantage which may eventually accrue. Two persons having been engaged in a long and doubtful contest or rivalship, he, who by superior art or perseverance gains the point, is said to have thrown his opponent over the bridge. Among gamblers, it means deceiving the person who had back'd you, by wilfully losing the game; the money so lost by him being shared between yourself and your confederates who had laid against you. In playing threehanded games, two of the party will play into each other's hands, so that the third must inevitably be thrown over the bridge, commonly called, two poll one. See Play Across.1819
FETCHa Trick or Wheedle. A meer Fetch.1737
FETCHA trick, wheedle, or invention to deceive.1811
FRUMPa dry Bob, or Jest.1737
GRAYa half-penny, or other coin, having two heads or two tails, and fabricated for the use of gamblers, who, by such a deception, frequently win large sums.1819
JIGa Trick; A pleasant Jig, a witty arch Trick.1737
JIGA trick. A pleasant jig; a witty arch trick. Also a lock or door. The feather-bed jig; copulation.1811
PUMPto wheedle-Secrets out of any one.1737
QUEERE-FUNa bungling Cheat or Trick; also Game or Merriment.1737
RUM BITEA clever cheat, a clean trick.1811
RUM FUNA sharp trick. CANT.1811
RUM-BITEa clever Cheat, a neat Trick.1737
RUM-FUNa clever Cheat or sharp trick.1737
SHAMa Cheat, or Trick. To Cut a Sham; To play a Rogues Trick.1737
SHAMA cheat, or trick. To cut a sham; to cheat or deceive. Shams; false sleeves to put on over a dirty shirt, or false sleeves with ruffles to put over a plain one. To sham Abram; to counterfeit sickness.1811
TWO POLL ONESee Bridge.1819
WILESTricks, Intrigues, cunning Stratagems.1737
WIRE-DRAWa Fetch or Trick to wheedle in Bubbles; also to screw, over-reach, or deal hard with. Wire-drawn; so served or treated.1737