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18th Century Thieves Cant
Household : Bedrooms and Chambers
DABa bed.1819
DUNEGANA privy. A water closet.1811
JOCKUM GAGEA chamber-pot, jordan, looking-glass, or member-mug. CANT.1811
JOCKUM-GAGEa Chamberpot. Tip me the Jockum-Gage, Give or hand me the Looking-Glass. Rum Jockum-Gage, a Silver Chamber-P1737
JORDANA chamber-pot.1811
LIBBEGEa Bed.1737
LIGA bed. See LIB.1811
LOOKING-GLASSa Chamber-pot.1737
LOUSE TRAPa Comb.1737
MEMBER MUGA chamber pot.1811
OLIVERS SCULLA chamber pot.1811
OLIVERS SKULLa Chamber Pot.1737
PEEPERA spying glass; also a looking-glass. Track up the dancers, and pike with the peeper; whip up stairs, and run off with the looking-glass. CANT.1811
PEEPERSa Looking-glass. Track the Dancers and Pike with the Peepers; Whip up the Stairs, and trip off with the Looking-glass.1737
QUEERE-PEEPERSold-fashioned, ordinary or common Looking glasses.1737
REMEDY CRITCHA chamber pot, or member mug.1811
RUM PEEPERSFine looking-glasses. CANT.1811
RUM-PEEPERSa Silver Looking-glass.1737
SHINERa looking-glass.1819
SLATa Sheet.1737
SPICE ISLANDSA privy. Stink-hole bay or dilberry creek. The fundament.1811
TEA VOIDERA chamber pot.1811
TWISS(IRISH) A Jordan, or pot de chambre. A Mr. Richard Twiss having in his Travels given a very unfavourable description of the Irish character, the inhabitants of Dublin, byway of revenge, thought proper to christen this utensil by his name--suffice it to say that the baptismal rites were not wanting at the ceremony. On a nephew of this gentleman the following epigram was made by a friend of ouis:1811
WASHPaint for Faces.1737
WASHPaint for the face, or cosmetic water. Hog-wash; thick and bad beer.1811
Household : Cups and Bowls
CLANKa Silver-tankard.1737
JORUMA jugg, or large pitcher.1811
QUEERE-PEEPERSold-fashioned, ordinary or common Looking glasses.1737
RUM-CLANKa large Silver Tankard. Tip me a Rum-Clank of Bowse; i.e. Give me a Double-tankard of Drink.1737
SNEAKERA small bowl.1811
WEDGEPlate, or Silver or Gold Moveables and trinkets: Also Money.1737
WEDGESilver plate, because melted by the receivers of stolen goods into wedges. CANT.1811
WITCHER-BUBBERa Silver Bowl. The Cull is piked with the Witcher-bubber The Rogue is marched off with the Silver-bowl.1737
Household : Household Building
BACK-JUMPA back-window. See JUMP.1819
BACK-SLANGto enter or come out of a house by the back-door; or, to go a circuitous or private way through the streets, in order to avoid any particular place in the direct road, is termed back-slanging it.1819
CRIBA house. To crack a crib: to break open a house.1811
CRIBa house, sometimes applied to shops, as, a thimblecrib, a watch-maker's shop ; stocking-crib, a hosier's, &c.1819
GIGGERa Door, Dub the Gigger, that we may ravage the Ken, i. e. Open the Door with the Pick-lock, that we go in and rob the House.1737
GIGGERA latch, or door. Dub the gigger; open the door. Gigger dubber; the turnkey of a jaol.1811
GLAZEa Window.1737
GLAZEA window.1811
GLAZEa glass-window.1819
JIGGERa door.1819
JUMPa window on the ground-floor.1819
LUMBERa room.1819
PITTS PICTUREA window stopt up on the inside, to save the tax imposed in that gentlemans administration. PARTY WIT1811
SLUMa room.1819
SNOOZEto sleep; a snooze sometimes means a lodging; as, Where can I get a snooze for this darky instead of saying a bed.1819
WICKETa Casement, also a little Door. As, Tout through the Wicket, and see where a Cully pikes with his Gentry mort, whose Muns are the Rummest I ever touted before; Look through the Casement, and see where the Man walks with a Gentlewoman, whose Face is the fairest, I have ever seen.1737
WICKETA casement; also a little door.1811
Household : Jewellery, Trinkets and Watches
BAUBELSor BAWBLES; Jewels, Tweezers, Snuff-boxes, any sort of Gold or Silver Trinkets.1737
BAWBELS, or BAWBLESTrinkets; a mans testicles.1811
FALLALLSOrnaments, chiefly womens, such as ribands, necklaces, &c.1811
GINGAMBOBSToys, bawbles; also a mans privities. See THINGAMBOBS.1811
GINGUMBOBSToys or Baubles.1737
LODGEa Watch. As Files a Cly of a Lodge, or Scout, Pickt a Pocket of a Watch. Biting a Loge, or Scout, the same.1737
MONTRAa watch.1819
MOVEABLESRings, Watches, Swords, and such Toys of Value.1737
MOVEABLESRings, watches, or any toys of value.1811
NICKNACKSToys, baubles, or curiosities.1811
ONIONA seal. Onion hunters, a class of young thieves who are on the look out for gentlemen who wear their seals suspended on a ribbon, which they cut, and thus secure the seals or other trinkets suspended to the watch.1811
ONIONa watch-seal, a bunch of onions, is several seals worn upon one ring.1819
PITA watch fob. He drew a rare thimble from the swells pit. He took a handsome watch from the gentlemans fob.1811
SLANGA watch chain, a chain of any kind; also a warrant, license to travel, or other official instrument.1819
SNEEZER or SNEEZING-COFERa snuff-box.1819
TATLERA watch. To flash a tatler: to wear a watch.1811
THIMBLEA watch. The swell flashes a rum thimble; the gentleman sports a fine watch.1811
THIMBLEa watch.1819
THIMBLEDhaving, or wearing a watch.1819
TRINKETSToys and Trifles.1737
TRINKETSToys, bawbles, or nicknacks.1811
WARMING-PANan old fashiond large Watch. A Scotch Warming-Pan; a She-bed-fellow.1737
WARMING-PANA large old-fashioned watch. A Scotch warming-pan; a female bedfellow.1811
YACKa watch (obsolete.)1819
Household : Miscellaneous
FEEDERA spoon. To nab the feeder; to steal a spoon.1811
FEEDERa spoon.1819
FI'PENNYa clasp-knife.1819
LULLIESWet linen. Cant.1811
MONKEYa padlock.1819
NECK WEEDHemp.1811
PEDa Basket.1737
PEDA basket. CANT.1811
SLOP-FEEDERa tea-spoon.1819
SMELLING CHEATAn orchard, or garden; also a nosegay. CANT.1811
SMELLING-CHEATa Nose-gay; also an Orchard or Garden.1737
SMUTA copper. A grate. Old iron. The cove was lagged for a smut: the fellow was transported for stealing a copper.1811
SMUTa copper boiler, or furnace.1819
SNOWLinen hung out to dry or bleach. Spice the snow; to steal the linen.1811
SNOWclean linen from the washerwoman's hands, whether it be wet or dry, is termed snow.1819
SOLDIERS POMATUMA piece of tallow candle.1811
STICKSHousehold furniture.1811
STICKShousehold furniture.1819
SUNNY BANKA good fire in winter.1811
SUNNY-BANKa good, rousing Winter-Fire.1737
TAYLE DRAWERSThieves who snatch gentlemens swords from their sides. He drew the culls tayle rumly; he snatched away the gentlemans sword cleverly.1811
YOKUFFa chest, or large box.1819
Household : Related Terms
DUB UPto lock up or secure any thing or place ; also to button one's pocket, coat, (fc.1819
SLOURto lock, 'Secure, or fasten; to slour up is also to button up; as one's coat, pocket, &c.1819
SLOUR'D or SLOUR'D UPlocked, fastened, buttoned, &c.1819
UNBETTYto unlock. See Betty.1819
UNDUEto unlock, unfasten, &c. See Dub up.1819
UNSLOURto unlock, unfasten, or unbutton. See Slour. Speaking of a person whose coat is buttoned, so as to obstruct the access to his pockets, the knucks will say to each other, the core is slour'd up, we must unslour him to get at his kickseys.1819
Household : Tools and Candlesticks
BACK-SLUMa back room; also the back entrance to any house or premises; thus, we'll give it 'em on the back-slum, means, we'll get in at the backdoor.1819
CHIVa knife ; to chiv a person is to stab or cut him with a knife.1819
CHIVEa Knife, File or Saw.1737
CHIVE, or CHIFFA knife, file: or saw. To chive the darbies; to file off the irons or fetters. To chive the bouhgs of the frows; to cut off womens pockets.1811
CHURYa knife.1819
GLIM-STICKa candlestick.1819
GLIMFENDERSAndirons. Rum Glimfenders, silver Andirons.1737
GLIMSTICKa Candle-stick. Rum Glimsticks, Silver Candlesticks. Queer Glimsticks, Brass, Pewter or Iron Candlesticks.1737
GLIMSTICKA candlestick. CANT.1811
HOGa shilling; five, ten, or more shillings, are called five, ten, or more hog.1819
JACOBA ladder: perhaps from Jacobs dream. CANT. Also the common name for a jay, jays being usually taught to say, Poor Jacob! a cup of sack for Jacob.1811
JACOBa ladder ; a simple half-witted person.1819
MILLA chisel.1811
OS CHIVESBone handled Knives.1737
OSCHIVESBone-handled knives. CANT.1811
SAVE-ALLA kind of candlestick used by our frugal forefathers, to burn snuffs and ends of candles. Figuratively, boys running about gentlemens houses in Ireland, who are fed on broken meats that would otherwise be wasted, also a miser.1811
SIR SYDNEYa clasp knife,1819
SPANISH WORMA nail: so called by carpenters when they meet with one in a board they are sawing.1811
STEEL BARA needle. A steel bar flinger; a taylor, stay- maker, or any other person using a needle.1811