Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Cant terms for Occupations
18th Century Thieves Cant
Occupations : Bailiffs, Beadles and Constables
BANDOGa Bailiff or his Follower; a Sergeant or his Yeomen.1737
BANDOGA bailiff or his follower; also a very fierce mastiff: likewise, a bandbox. CANT.1811
BECKA beadle. See HERMANBECK.1811
BUMa Bailiff or Serjeant.1737
BUM BAILIFFA sheriffs officer, who arrests debtors; so called perhaps from following his prey, and being at their bums, or, as the vulgar phrase is, hard at their a-ses. Blackstone says, it is a corruption of bound bailiff, from their being obliged to give bond for their good behaviour.1811
BUM TRAPA sheriffs officer who arrests debtors. Ware hawke! the bum traps are fly to our panney; keep a good look out, the bailiffs know where our house is situated.1811
BUM-TRAPa sheriff's officer or his follower.1819
BUS-NAPPERA constable. CANT.1811
CATCH POLEA bum bailiff, or sheriffs officer.1811
CATCH-POLLa Serjeant, or Bayliff, that arrests People.1737
CHARLEYa watchman.1819
FLOGGING COVEThe beadle, or whipper, in Bridewell.1811
FLOGGING-COVEthe Beadle, or Whipper in Bridewell, or any such Place.1737
FOOL FINDERA bailiff.1811
HAMLETa High Constable.1737
HAMLETA high constable. Cant.1811
HARMANa Constable.1737
HARMANA constable. CANT.1811
HARMAN BECKA beadle. CANT.1811
HARMANBECKa Beadle.1737
HORNEYa constable.1819
LURCHERA lurcher of the law; a bum bailiff, or his setter.1811
MOABITESSerjeants, Bailiffs and their Crew.1737
MOABITESBailiffs, or Philistines.1811
MYRMIDONSthe Constables Attendants, or those whom he commands (in the Kings Name) to aid and assist him: Also the Watchmen.1737
MYRMIDONSThe constables assistants, watchmen, &c.1811
NIGHT MAGISTRATEA constable.1811
NIGHT-MAGISTRATEa Constable.1737
PHILISTINESSerjeants, Bailiffs and their Crew. Also Drunkards. I fell among the Philistines, I chopt upon a Knot of drunken Fellows.1737
PHILISTINESBailiffs, or officers of justice; also drunkards.1811
PIGA police officer. A China street pig; a Bow-street officer. Floor the pig and bolt; knock down the officer and run away.1811
PIGS or GRUNTERSpolice runners.1819
QUEER CUFFINA justice of the peace; also a churl.1811
QUOD-COVEthe keeper of a gaol.1819
ROLLERShorse and foot patrole, who parade the roads round about London during the night, for the prevention of robberies.1819
RUM BECKA justice of the peace. CANT.1811
SCOUTa watchman.1819
SETTERA bailiffs follower, who, like a setting dog follows and points the game for his master. Also sometimes an exciseman.1811
SHOULDER CLAPPERA bailiff, or member of the catch club. Shoulder-clapped; arrested.1811
SHOULDER-CLAPPERa Serjeant or Bailiff.1737
TAPPERSShoulder tappers: bailiffs.1811
THINGSTABLEMr. Thingstable; Mr. Constable: a ludicrous affectation of delicacy in avoiding the pronunciation of the first syllable in the title of that officer, which in sound has some similarity to an indecent monosyllable.1811
TRAPSConstables and thief-takers. CANT.1811
TRAPSpolice officers, or runners, are properly so called ; but it is common to include constables of any description under this title. 1819
Occupations : Coachmen and Waggoners
COUNTRY HARRYA waggoner. CANT.1811
DRAG-COVEthe driver of a cart.1819
HELL FIRE DICKThe Cambridge driver of the Telegraph. The favorite companion of the University fashionables, and the only tutor to whose precepts they attend.1811
HELL-DRIVERa Coachman.1737
JACK-BOYa postillion.1819
JARVISA hackney coachman.1811
JERVISa coachman.1819
KNIGHT OF THE WHIPA coachman.1811
RATTLING COVEa Coach-man.1737
RATTLING COVEA coachman. CANT.1811
SMACKING COVEA coachman.1811
SMACKING-COVEa Coachman.1737
VARDO-GILLa waggoner.1819
Occupations : Doctors and Midwives
BOLUSA nick name for an apothecary.1811
CLYSTER PIPEA nick name for an apothecary.1811
FINGER-SMITHa midwife.1819
GALLIPOTA nick name for an apothecary,1811
LOBLOLLEY BOYA nick name for the surgeons servant on board a man of war, sometimes for the surgeon himself: from the water gruel prescribed to the sick, which is called loblolley.1811
MOTHER MIDNIGHTa Midwife (often a Bawd).1737
NIM GIMMERa Doctor, Surgeon, Apothecary, or any one that cures a Clap or a Pox.1737
NIMGIMMERA physician or surgeon, particularly those who cure the venereal disease.1811
PISS PROPHETA physician who judges of the diseases of his patients solely by the inspection of their urine.1811
QUACKAn ungraduated ignorant pretender to skill in physic, a vender of nostrums.1811
QUACK-SALVERA mountebank: a seller of salves.1811
RABBIT CATCHERA midwife.1811
WATER SCRIGER, A doctor who prescribes from inspSee PISS PROPHET.1811
Occupations : Inn-keepers and Vintners
ADMIRAL OF THE BLUE A landlord or publican wearing a blue apron, as was formerly the custom among gentlemen of that vocation.1811
ALE DRAPERAn alehouse keeper.1811
BEGGAR MAKERA publican, or ale-house keeper.1811
BLUE FLAGHe has hoisted the blue flag; he has commenced publican, or taken a public house, an allusion to the blue aprons worn by publicans. See ADMIRAL OF THE BLUE.1811
BLUFFERan Inn-keeper or victualler.1737
BLUFFERAn inn-keeper. Cant.1811
DASHa Tavern-Drawer.1737
DASHA tavern drawer. To cut a dash: to make a figure.1811
DRAPERAn ale draper; an alehouse keeper.1811
FLASH-COVE or COVESSthe landlord or landlady of a flash-ken.1819
GIN SPINNERA distiller.1811
NECK-STAMPERthe Pot-Boy at a Tavern or Ale-house.1737
QUEER BLUFFERThe master of a public-house the resort of rogues and sharpers, a cut-throat inn or alehouse keeper.1811
RUM BLUFFERA jolly host. CANT.1811
RUM DROPPERA vintner. CANT.1811
RUM-BLUFFERa jolly Host, Inn-keeper, or Victualler.1737
RUM-DROPPERa Vintner.1737
RUM-HOPPERa Drawer. Rum-hopper, tip us presently a Boozing-cheat of Rum gutlers; Drawer, fill us presently a Bottle of the best Canary.1737
SUPOUCHA landlady of an inn, or hostess.1811
Occupations : Judges and Law-enforcers
BEAKA justice of-peace, or magistrate. Also a judge or chairman who presides in court. I clappd my peepers full of tears, and so the old beak set me free; I began to weep, and the judge set me free.1811
BEAKa magistrate ; the late Sir John Fielding, of police memory, was known among family people by the title of the blind beak. 1819
DUB-COVE or DUBSMANa turnkey.1819
FORTUNE TELLER, or CUNNING MANA judge, who tells every prisoner his fortune, lot or doom. To go before the fortune teller, lambskin men, or conjuror; to be tried at an assize. See LAMBSKIN MEN.1811
FORTUNE-Tellersthe Judges of Life and Death.1737
KETCHJack Ketch; a general name for the finishers of the law, or hangmen, ever since the year 1682, when the office was filled by a famous practitioner of that name, of whom his wife said, that any bungler might put a man to death, but only her husband knew how to make a gentleman die sweetly. This officer is mentioned in Butlers Ghost, page 54, published about the year 1682, in the following lines: Till Ketch observing he was choud, And in his profits much abusd In open hall the tribute dunnd, To do his office, or refund. Mr Ketch had not long been elevated to his office, for the name of his predecessor Dun occurs in the former part of this poem, page 29: For you yourself to act squire Dun, Such ignominy neer saw the sun. The addition of squire,with which Mr Dun is here dignified, is a mark that he had beheaded some state criminal for high treason; an operation which, according to custom for time out of mind, has always entitled the operator to that distinction. The predecessor of Dun1811
LAMB-SKIN MENthe Judges of the several Courts.1737
LAMBSKIN MENThe judges: from their robes lined and bordered with ermine.1811
NUBBING-COVEthe Hangman.1737
QUEERE-CUSSINa Justice of Peace; also a churl.1737
RUM-BECKany Justice of the Peace.1737
THIEF-TAKERSwho make a Trade of helping People (for a Gratuity) to their lost Goods and sometimes, for Interest, or Envy, snapping the Rogues themselves, being usually in Fee with them, and acquainted with their Haunts.1737
TO NOSETo give evidence. To inform. His pall nosed and he was twisted for a crack; his confederate turned kings evidence, and he was hanged for burglary.1811
TOPPING COVEThe hangman. CANT.1811
TOPPING-COVEthe Hangman.1737
Occupations : Lawyers
AMBIDEXTERa Lawyer that takes Fees of Plaintiff and Defendant at once.1737
AMBIDEXTERA lawyer who takes fees from both plaintiff and defendant, or that goes snacks with both parties in gaming.1811
BLACK-BOXa Lawyer.1737
CURSITORSreduced Lawyers, assuming to themselves the Knowledge of the Quirks and Quiddities of the Law, and are perpetually fomenting litigious Brawls, and insignificant Contentions, among the Scum of the Vulgar.1737
CURSITORSBroken petty-fogging attornies, or Newgate solicitors. CANT.1811
GREEN BAGa Lawyer.1737
GREEN BAGAn attorney: those gentlemen carry their clients deeds in a green bag; and, it is said, when they have no deeds to carry, frequently fill them with an old pair of breeches, or any other trumpery, to give themselves the appearance of business.1811
JETa Lawyer.1737
LATITATA nick-name for an attorney; from the name of a writ.1811
LIMB OF THE LAWAn inferior or pettyfogging attorney.1811
NEWGATE SOLICITORA petty fogging and roguish attorney, who attends the gaols to assist villains in evading justice.1811
PETTY FOGGERA little dirty attorney, ready to undertake any litigious or bad cause: it is derived from the French words petit vogue, of small credit, or little reputation.1811
PUZZLE-CAUSEA lawyer who has a confused understanding.1811
SIX AND EIGHT-PENCEAn attorney, whose fee on several occasions is fixed at that sum.1811
SPLIT CAUSEA lawyer.1811
Occupations : Musicians, Entertainers and Dancing Masters
BROTHER OF THE STRINGa Fiddler, or Harper.1737
CAPER MERCHANTA dancing master, or hop mercbant; marchand des capriolles. FRENCH TERM.--To cut papers; to leap or jump in dancing. See HOP MERCHANT.1811
CAPTAIN PODDA celebrated master of a puppet-shew, in Ben Johnsons time, whose name became a common one to signify any of that fraternity.1811
CHAUNTER CULLSGrub-street writers, who compose songs, carrols, &c. for ballad-singers. CANT.1811
CROWDA fiddle: probably from CROOTH, the Welch name for that instrument.1811
CROWDEROA fiddler.1811
FAULKNERa Tumbler, a Juggler, a Shewer of Tricks, etc.1737
FAULKNERA tumbler, juggler, or shewer of tricks; perhaps because they lure the people, as a faulconer does his hawks. CANT.1811
FAYTORS, or FATORSFortune tellers.1811
FLYING STATIONERSBallad-singers and hawkers of penny histories.1811
HOP MERCHANTA dancing master. See CAPER MERCHANT.1811
HOP-MERCHANTa Dancing-master.1737
KITa Dancing Master.1737
KITA dancing-master, so called from his kit or cittern, a small fiddle, which dancing-masters always carry about with them, to play to their scholars. The kit is likewise the whole of a soldiers necessaries, the contents of his knapsack: and is used also to express the whole of different commodities: as, Here, take the whole kit; i.e. take all.1811
RAREE SHEW MENPoor Savoyards, who subsist by shewing the magic lantern and marmots about London.1811
RAREE-SHOW-MENpoor Savoyards strolling up and down with portable Boxes of Puppet-shows at their Backs; Pedlars of Puppets.1737
RUMP AND KIDNEY MENFidlers that play at Feasts, Fairs, Weddings etc. and live chiefly on the Remnants of Victuals.1737
SCRAPERA fiddler; also one who scrapes plates for mezzotinto prints.1811
SOLO PLAYERA miserable performer on any instrument, who always plays alone, because no one will stay in the room to hear him.1811
WAITSMusicians of the lower order, who in most towns play under the windows of the chief inhabitants at midnight, a short time before Christmas, for which they collect a christmas-box from house to house. They are said to derive their name of waits from being always in waiting to celebrate weddings and other joyous events happening within their district.1811
ZANYa Mountebanks Merry-Andrew, or Jester, to distinguish him from a Lords Fool.1737
ZANYThe jester, jack pudding, or merry andrew, to a mountebank.1811
Occupations : Other Occupations
BADGE-COVESParish Pensioners. Cant.1811
BANG STRAWA nick name for a thresher, but applied to all the servants of a farmer.1811
BELLOWERThe town crier.1811
BROUGHTONIANA boxer: a disciple of Broughton, who was a beef-eater, and once the best boxer of his day.1811
BRUISERA boxer; one skilled in the ar of boxing also an inferior workman among chasers.1811
CARRION HUNTERAn undertaker; called also a cold cook, and death hunter. See COLD COOK and DEATH HUNTER.1811
CENT PER CENTAn usurer.1811
CLOD HOPPERA country farmer, or ploughman.1811
CLOD-HOPPERa Ploughman.1737
CODDERSPersons employed by the gardeners to gather peas.1811
COLD-COOKan Undertaker of Funerals.1737
COLLEGE COVEThe College cove has numbered him, and if he is knocked down hell be twisted; the turnkey of Newgate has told the judge how many times the prisoner has been tried before and therefore if he is found guilty, he certainly will be hanged. It is said to be the custom of the Old Bailey for one of the turnkeys of Newgate to give information to the judge how many times an old offender has been tried, by holding up as many fingers as the number of times the prisoner has been before arraigned at that bar.1811
COOL-LADYa Wench that sells Brandy (in Camps) a Suttler.1737
DEATH HUNTERAn undertaker, one who furnishes the necessary articles for funerals. See CARRION HUNTER.1811
DEATH-HUNTERan undertaker.1819
DEUSEA VILLE STAMPERSCountry carriers. Cant.1811
DEUSEAVILE-STAMPERSCountry Carriers.1737
DEVILA printers errand-boy.1811
DEVILA printers errand-boy. Also a small thread in the kings ropes and cables, whereby they may be distinguished from all others. The Devil himself; a small streak of blue thread in the kings sails. The Devil may dance in his pocket; i.e. he has no money: the cross on our ancient coins being jocularly supposed to prevent him from visiting that place, for fear, as it is said, of breaking his shins against it. To hold a candle to the Devil; to be civil to any one out of fear: in allusion to the story of the old woman, who set a wax taper before the image of St. Michael, and another before the Devil, whom that saint is commonly represented as trampling under his feet: being reproved for paying such honour to Satan, she answered, as it was uncertain which place she should go to, heaven or hell, she chose to secure a friend in both places. That will be when the Devil is blind, and he has not got sore eyes yet; said of any thing unlikely to happen. It rains whilst the sun shines, the Devil is beating h1811
DEVIL DRAWERA miserable painter.1811
DEVIL-DRAWERa sorry Painter.1737
DUB AT A KNAPPING-JIGGERa collector of tolls at a turnpike-gate.1819
FEUTERERA dog-keeper: from the French vautrier, or vaultrier, one that leads a lime hound for the chase.1811
FIBBING-GLOAKa pugilist.1819
FLESH BROKERa Match-maker; also a Bawd1737
FLESH BROKERA match-maker, a bawd.1811
FLUE-FAKERa chimney-sweeper.1819
FLUTEthe Recorder of London, or of any other Town.1737
FLUTEThe recorder of a corporation; a recorder was an antient musical instrument.1811
GOLD FINDEROne whose employment is to empty necessary houses; called also a tom-turd-man, and night-man: the latter, from that business being always performed in the night.1811
GOLD FINDEROne whose employment is to empty necessary houses; called also a tom-turd-man, and night-man: the latter, from that business being always performed in the night.1811
GREENWICH GOOSEA pensioner of Greenwich Hospital.1811
GREY PARSONA farmer who rents the tithes of the rector or vicar.1811
GYPA college runner or errand-boy at Cambridge, called at Oxford a scout. See SCOUT.1811
HACKNEY WRITEROne who writes for attornies or booksellers.1811
HACKSor Hackneys; Hirelings.1737
HANDA sailor. We lost a hand; we lost a sailor. Bear a hand; make haste. Hand to fist; opposite: the same as tete-a-tete, or cheek by joul.1811
HORSE COSERA dealer in horses: vulgarly and corruptly pronounced HORSE COURSER. The verb TO COSE was used by the Scots, in the sense of bartering or exchanging.1811
HUCKSTERSItinerant retailers of provisions. He is in hucksters hands; he is in a bad way.1811
JACK KETCH The hangman; vide DERRICK and KETCH.1811
JACK NASTY FACEA sea term, signifying a common sailor.1811
JACK TARA sailor.1811
JEWSBrokers behind St. Clements Church in London, so called by (their Brethren) the Taylors.1737
JINGLERSHorse cosers, frequenting country fairs.1811
KEEL BULLIESMen employed to load and unload the coal vessels.1811
KEEL-BULLIESLightermen that carry coals to and from the Ships, so called in Derision.1737
LAGGERa sailor.1819
LILY WHITEA chimney-sweeper.1811
MAGGOT BOILERA tallow-chandler.1811
MASTER OF THE MINTA gardener.1811
MILLING COVEA boxer. How the milling cove served the cull out; how the boxer beat the fellow.1811
MILLING-COVEa pugilist.1819
MOW HEATERA drover: from their frequent sleeping on hay mows. CANT.1811
MOW-HEATERa Drover.1737
MUTEAn undertakers servant, who stands at the door of a person lying in state: so named from being supposed mute with grief.1811
NIGHTMANOne whose business it is to empty necessary houses in London, which is always done in the night; the operation is called a wedding. See WEDDING.1811
NULLING-COVEa pugilist.1819
PHOENIX-MENFiremen belonging to an insurance office, which gave a badge charged with a phoenix: these men were called likewise firedrakes.1811
PLYERa Crutch; also a Trader.1737
PLYERA crutch; also a trader.1811
PONTIUS PILATEA pawnbroker. Pontius Pilates guards, the first regiment of foot, or Royal Scots: so intitled from their supposed great antiquity. Pontius Pilates counsellor; one who like him can say, Non invenio causam, I can find no cause. Also (Cambridge) a Mr. Shepherd of Trinity College; who disputing with a brother parson on the comparative rapidity with which they read the liturgy, offered to give him as far as Pontius Pilate in the Belief.1811
POST MASTER GENERALThe prime minister, who has the patronage of all posts and places.1811
POST NOINTERA house painter, who occasionally paints or anoints posts. Knight of the post; a false evidence, one ready to swear any thing for hire. From post to pillar; backwards and forwards.1811
QUILL DRIVERA clerk, scribe, or hackney writer.1811
RESURRECTION MENPersons employed by the students in anatomy to steal dead bodies out of church-yards.1811
RESURRECTION-COVEa stealer of dead bodies.1819
RUNNING STATIONERSHawkers, or those that cry News and Books about the Streets.1737
RUNNING STATIONERSHawker of newspapers, trials, and dying speeches.1811
SCALY FISHAn honest, rough, blunt sailor.1811
SCOUTA college errand-boy at Oxford, called a gyp at Cambridge. Also a watchman or a watch. CANT.1811
SEA CRABA sailor.1811
STRANGLE GOOSEA poulterer.1811
TALESMANas, I tell you my Tale, and my Talesman, or Author.1737
TALLY MENBrokers that let out clothes to the women of the town. See RABBIT SUCKERS.1811
TALLY-MENBrokers that let out Cloaths to wear per Week, Month or Year. See Rabbit-Suckers.1737
TEN IN THE HUNDREDAn usurer; more than five in the hundred being deemed usurious interest.1811
TO YELPTo cry out. Yelper; a town cryer, also one apt to make great complaints on trifling occasions.1811
TOM T--DMANA night man, one who empties necessary houses.1811
TURKEY MERCHANTA poulterer.1811
TURKEY MERCHANTSDrivers of Turkeys.1737
UNDER DUBBERA turnkey.1811
WALKING STATIONERA hawker of pamphlets, &c.1811
WHOW BALLA milk-maid: from their frequent use of the word whow, to make the cow stand still in milking. Ball is the supposed name of the cow.1811
WHOW-BALLa Milk-maid.1737
WINDOW PEEPERA collector of the window tax.1811
YELPERa Town-Cryer; also, one subject to complain, or make pitiful Lamentation for trifling Incidents.1737
Occupations : Priests and Parsons
AMEN CURLERA parish clerk.1811
AUTEM JETa Parson.1737
AUTEM-BAWLERa Preacher, or Parson, of any sect.1737
BLACK-COATa Parson.1737
CANTICLEA parish clerk.1811
CHUCK FARTHINGA parish clerk.1811
CHUCK-FARTHINGa Parish Clerk.1737
FINGER POSTA parson: so called, because he points out a way to others which he never goes himself. Like the finger post, he points out a way he has never been, and probably will never go, i.e. the way to heaven.1811
GLUEPOTA parson: from joining men and women together in matrimony.1811
HEDGE PRIESTAn illiterate unbeneficed curate, a patrico.1811
JACK AT A PINCHa poor Hackney Parson.1737
LEVITEa Priest or Parson.1737
LEVITEA priest or parson.1811
MESS JOHNA Scotch presbyterian teacher or parson.1811
NOSE GENTA nun.1811
NOSE-GENTa Recluse or Nun.1737
OLD-DOG AT COMMON-PRAYERa poor Hackney Parson that can read but not preach well.1737
ONE IN TENa Parson.1737
ONE IN TENA parson: an allusion to his tithes.1811
PARISH BULLA parson.1811
PATRI-COVESor Pater Cove; strolling Priests that marry under a Hedge, without Gospel or Common-prayer Book: The couple standing on each side a dead Beast, are bid to live together till Death them does part; so shaking Hands the Wedding is ended, also any Minister, or Parson.1737
PATRICO, or PATER-COVEThe fifteenth rank of the canting tribe; strolling priests that marry people under a hedge, without gospel or common prayer book: the couple standing on each side of a dead beast, are bid to live together till death them does part; so shaking hands, the wedding is ended. Also any minister or parson.1811
POSTILION OF THE GOSPELA parson who hurries over the service.1811
PRUNELLAMr. Prunella; a parson: parsons gowns being frequently made of prunella.1811
PUZZLE-TEXTAn ignorant blundering parson.1811
SCHISM MONGERA dissenting teacher.1811
SHOD ALL ROUNDA parson who attends a funeral is said to be shod all round, when he receives a hat-band, gloves, and scarf: many shoeings being only partial.1811
SIR JOHNthe Country-Vicar or Parson.1737
SIR JOHNThe old title for a country parson: as Sir John of Wrotham, mentioned by Shakespeare.1811
SNUB DEVILA parson.1811
SOLFAA parish clerk.1811
SOUL DOCTOR, or DRIVERA parson.1811
SOUL-DRIVERa Parson.1737
SPOIL PUDDINGA parson who preaches long sermons, keeping his congregation in church till the puddings are overdone.1811
TICKLE TEXTA parson.1811
TUB THUMPERA presbyterian parson.1811
TURNPIKE MANA parson; because the clergy collect their tolls at our entrance into and exit from the world.1811
UNGRATEFUL MANA parson, who at least once a week abuses his best benefactor, i.e. the devil.1811
Occupations : Related Terms
CHARLEY-KENa watch-box.1819
SCOUT-KENa watch-house.1819
Occupations : Scholars and Teachers
BEAR LEADERA travelling tutor.1811
BUM BRUSHERA schoolmaster.1811
FLAYBOTTOMISTA bum-brusher, or schoolmaster.1811
HABERDASHER OF PRONOUNSA schoolmaster, or usher.1811
PUPIL MONGERSTutors at the Universities.1737
PUPIL MONGERSPersons at the universities who make it their business to instruct and superintend a number of pupils.1811
SON OF APOLLOa Scholar.1737
SYNTAXA schoolmaster.1811
TICKLE TAILA rod, or schoolmaster. A mans penis.1811
Occupations : Servants
ABIGAILA ladys waiting-maid.1811
BED-MAKERWomen employed at Cambridge to attend on the Students, sweep his room, &c. They will put their hands to any thing, and are generally blest with a pretty family of daughters: who unmake the beds, as fast as they are made by their mothers.1811
BONE PICKERA footman.1811
BOOT CATCHERThe servant at an inn whose business it is to clean the boots of the guest.1811
CATCH FARTA footboy; so called from such servants commonly following close behind their master or mistress.1811
CATCH-FARTa Foot-boy1737
CINDER GARBLERA servant maid, from her business of sifting the ashes from the cinders. CUSTOM-HOUSE WIT.1811
FART CATCHERA valet or footman from his walking behind his master or mistress.1811
FART CATCHERA valet or footman from his walking behind his master or mistress.1811
KNIGHT OF THE RAINBOWA footman: from the variety of colours in the liveries and trimming of gentlemen of that cloth.1811
MOPSQUEEZERA maid servant, particularly a housemaid.1811
NANa Servant-maid.1737
PANNIER MANA servant belonging to the Temple and Grays Inn, whose office is to announce the dinner. This in the Temple, is done by blowing a horn; and in Grays Inn proclaiming the word Manger, Manger, Manger, in each of the three courts.1811
PANTLERa Butler.1737
PANTLERA butler.1811
RAINBOWKnight of the rainbow; a footman: from being commonly clothed in garments of different colours. A meeting of gentlemen, styled of the most ancient order of the rainbow, was advertised to be held at the Foppingtons Head, Moorfields.1811
SKIP KENNELA footman.1811
SLAVEYa servant of either sex.1819
TALE TELLERSPersons said to have been formerly hired to tell wonderful stories of giants and fairies, to lull their hearers to sleep. Talesman; the author of a story or report: Ill tell you my tale, and my talesman. Tale bearers; mischief makers, incendiaries in families.1811
TALE-TELLERSa sort of Servants in use with the great Men in Ireland, to lull them asleep with Stories of a Cock and a Bull, etc.1737
VALETa Servant.1737
WOMAN OF ALL WORKSometimes applied to a female servant, who refuses none of her masters commands.1811
Occupations : Soldiers
BEEF EATERA yeoman of the guards, instituted by Henry VII. Their office was to stand near the bouffet, or cupboard, thence called Bouffetiers, since corrupted to Beef Eaters. Others suppose they obtained this name from the size of their persons, and the easiness of their duty, as having scarce more to do than to eat the kings beef.1811
BROTHER OF THE BLADEa Sword-man or Soldier.1737
BROTHER OF THE BLADEA soldier BUSKIN. A player. BUNG. A brewer QUILL. An author. STRING. A fiddler. WHIP. A coachman.1811
CATERPILLARA nick name for a soldier. In the year 1745, a soldier quartered at a house near Derby, was desired by his landlord to call upon him, whenever he came that way; for, added he, soldiers are the pillars of the nation. The rebellion being finished, it happened the same regiment was quartered in Derbyshire, when the soldier resolved to accept of his landlords invitation, and accordingly obtained leave to go to him: but, on his arrival, he was greatly surprised to find a very cold reception; whereupon e1811
FOOT WABBLERA contemptuous appellation for a foot soldier, commonly used by the cavalry.1811
FOOT WABBLERA contemptuous appellation for a foot soldier, commonly used by the cavalry.1811
GALLOOTa soldier.1819
LIGHT BOBA soldier of the light infantry company.1811
LOBSTERa red Coat Soldier.1737
LOBSTERA nick name for a soldier, from the colour of his clothes. To boil ones lobster, for a churchman to become a soldier: lobsters, which are of a bluish black, being made red by boiling. I will not make a lobster kettle of my ****, a reply frequently made by the nymphs of the Point at Portsmouth, when requested by a soldier to grant him a favour.1811
NIGHTINGALEA soldier who, as the term is, sings out at the halberts. It is a point of honour in some regiments, among the grenadiers, never to cry out, become nightingales, whilst under the discipline of the cat of nine tails; to avoid which, they chew a bullet.1811
PARISH SOLDIERA jeering name for a militiaman: from substitutes being frequently hired by the parish from which one of its inhabitants is drawn.1811
RAG CARRIERAn ensign.1811
ROAST AND BOILEDA nick name for the Life Guards, who are mostly substantial house-keepers; and eat daily of roast and boiled.1811
SHIFTING BALLASTA term used by sailors, to signify soldiers, passengers, or any landsmen on board.1811
SON OF MARSa Soldier.1737
SWAD, or SWADKINA soldier. CANT.1811
SWODDY or SWOD-GILLa soldier.1819
TOW ROWA grenadier. The tow row club; a club or society of the grenadier officers of the line.1811
UNFORTUNATE GENTLEMENThe horse guards, who thus named themselves in Germany, where a general officer seeing them very awkward in bundling up their forage, asked what the devil they were; to which some of them answered, unfortunate gentlemen.1811
WABLERFootwabler; a contemptuous term for a foot soldier, frequently used by those of the cavalry.1811
WALKING CORNETAn ensign of foot.1811
Occupations : Tailors
BOTCHA nick name for a taylor.1811
CUCUMBERSTaylors, who are jocularly said to subsist, during the summer, chiefly on cucumbers.1811
FLINTSJourneymen taylors, who on a late occasion refused to work for the wages settled by law. Those who submitted, were by the mutineers styled dungs, i.e. dunghills.1811
KNIGHT OF THE THIMBLE, or NEEDLEA taylor or stay-maker.1811
PRICK LOUSEa Taylor.1737
PRICKLOUSEA taylor.1811
SANK, SANKY, or CENTIPEESA taylor employed by clothiers in making soldiers clothing.1811
SHREDa Taylor.1737
SHREDA taylor.1811
SNIPA taylor.1811
STAYTAPEA taylor; from that article, and its coadjutor buckram, which make no small figure in the bills of those knights of the needle.1811
STITCHA nick name for a taylor: also a term for lying with a woman.1811
TWANGEY, or STANGEYA north country name for a taylor.1811
WOODCOCKA taylor with a long bill.1811
Occupations : Tradesmen and Shopkeepers
AMBASSADOR OF MOROCCOA Shoemaker. (See Mrs. Clarkes Examination.)1811
BARGEES(CAMBRIDGE.) Barge-men on the river.1811
BARKERa Salesmans Servant that walks before the Shop, to invite customers.1737
BARKERThe shopman of a bow-wow shop, or dealer in second hand clothes, particularly about Monmouth-Street, who walks before his masters door, and deafens every passenger with his cries of--Clothes, coats, or gowns--what dye want, gemmen?--what dye buy? See BOW-WOW SHOP.1811
BUG-HUNTERAn upholsterer.1811
BURN CRUSTA jocular name for a baker.1811
CHICKEN BUTCHERA poulterer.1811
CHUNKAmong printers, a journeyman who refuses to work for legal wages; the same as the flint among taylors. See FLINT.1811
CLICKERA salesmans servant1811
CRISPINA shoemaker: from a romance, wherein a prince of that name is said to have exercised the art and mystery of a shoemaker, thence called the gentle craft: or rather from the saints Crispinus and Crispianus, who according to the legend, were brethren born at Rome, from whence they travelled to Soissons in France, about the year 303, to propagate the Christian religion; but, because they would not be chargeable to others for their maintenance, they exercised the trade of shoemakers: the governor of the1811
GENTLE CRAFTThe art of shoemaking. One of the gentle craft: a shoemaker: so called because once practised by St. Crispin.1811
HODBrother Hod; a familiar name for a bricklayers labourer: from the hod which is used for carrying bricks and mortar.1811
LILLY WHITEa Chimney-Sweeper.1737
MITEA nick name for a cheesemonger: from the small insect of that name found in cheese.1811
MIX METALA silversmith.1811
NIT SQUEEGER, i.eSQUEEZER. A hair-dresser.1811
NOBTHATCHERA peruke-maker.1811
PUG CARPENTETERAn inferior carpenter, one employed only in small jobs.1811
QUARREL PICKERa Glazier.1737
QUARREL-PICKERA glazier: from the small squares in casements, called CARREUX, vulgarly quarrels.1811
RIDG-CULLYa Gold-smith.1737
SALESMANS DOGthe same as Barker.1737
SCULL THATCHERA peruke-maker.1811
SKINSA tanner.1811
SLOP SELLERA dealer in those articles, who keeps a slop shop.1811
SMEARa Painter, or Plaisterer, etc.1737
SMEARA plasterer.1811
SMOKERa Tobacconist.1737
SMOKERA tobacconist.1811
SMUGa Blacksmith.1737
SMUGA nick name for a blacksmith; also neat and spruce.1811
SNOBA nick name for a shoemaker.1811
SPLIT FIGA grocer.1811
SPLIT IRONThe nick-name for a smith.1811
SPLIT-FIGa Grocer.1737
TRANSLATORSSellers of old Shoes and Boots, between Shoemakers and Cobblers; also that turn or translate out of one Language into another.1737
TRANSLATORSSellers of old mended shoes and boots, between coblers and shoemakers.1811
WICHER-CULLYSee Witcher-Cully.1737
WITCHER-CULLYa Silver-smith.1737
Occupations : Youngsters
GLIM JACKA link-boy. CANT.1811
GLIMJACKa Link-boy.1737
LITTLE CLERGYMANA young chimney-sweeper.1811
MINOR CLERGYYoung chimney sweepers.1811
MOONCURSERA link-boy: link-boys are said to curse the moon, because it renders their assistance unnecessary; these gentry frequently, under colour of lighting pass engers over kennels, or through dark passages, assist in robbing them. Cant.1811
NECK STAMPERThe boy who collects the pots belonging to an alehouse, sent out with beer to private houses.1811
POWDER MONKEYA boy on board a ship of war, whose business is to fetch powder from the magazine.1811
RUM BOBA young apprentice; also a sharp trick.1811
RUM GLYMMERKing or chief of the link-boys. CANT.1811
RUM-BOBa young Apprentice; also a sharp, sly Trick. Likewise a pretty short Wig.1737
RUM-GLIMMERthe King or Chief of the Linkboys.1737
SKIP JACKSYoungsters that ride horses on sale, horse- dealers boys. Also a plaything made for children with the breast bone of a goose.1811
SKIP-JACKSYougsters that ride Horses for Sale.1737
SQUEAKERA bar-boy1811