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18th Century Thieves Cant
Religion : Children
BANTLINGa Child.1737
BANTLINGA young child.1811
BRATa little Child.1737
BRATA child or infant.1811
BULCHINa chubbingly Boy or Lad.1737
BULL CHINA fat chubby child.1811
CANARY-BIRDa little arch or knavish Boy; a Rogue or Whore taken, and clappd into the Cage or Round-house.1737
CHERUBIMSPeevish children, becausecherubimsand seraphims continually do cry.1811
CHIPa Child. As, A Chip of the old Block; A Son that is his Fathers likeness.1737
CHIPA child. A chip of the old block; a child who either in person or sentiments resembles its father or mother.1811
CHITAn infant or baby.1811
CHITTIFACEa little puny Child.1737
FEETTo make feet for childrens stockings; to beget children. An officer of feet; a jocular title for an officer of infantry.1811
FOUNDLINGa Child dropt in the Streets for the Parish to keep.1737
FOUNDLINGA child dropped in the streets, and found, and educated at the parish expence.1811
HANS IN KELDERJack in the cellar, i.e. the child in the womb: a health frequently drank to breeding women or their husbands.1811
HANS-EN-KELDERJack in the Box, Child in the Womb.1737
HEMPYoung hemp; an appellation for a graceless boy.1811
KIDa Child.1737
KIDA little dapper fellow. A child. The blowen has napped the kid. The girl is with child.1811
KIDa child of either sex, but particularly applied to a boy who commences thief at an early age ; and when by his dexterity he has become famous, he is called by his acquaintances the kid so and so, mentioning his sirname.1819
KINCHENa young lad.1819
KINCHINa little Child.1737
KINCHINA little child. Kinchin coes; orphan beggar boys, educated in thieving. Kinchin morts; young girls under the like circumstances and training. Kinchin morts, or coes in slates; beggars children carried at their mothers backs in sheets. Kinchin cove; a little man. CANT.1811
LITTLE BREECHESA familiar appellation used to a little boy.1811
LULLABY CHEATAn infant. Cant.1811
PICKANINYA young child, an infant. NEGRO TERM.1811
PIN BASKETThe youngest child.1811
PRATE ROASTA talkative boy.1811
PRATE-ROASTa Talking Boy.1737
SOW CHILDA female child.1811
SOW-CHILDa Female Child.1737
SQUEAKERA bar-boy; also a bastard or any other child. To stifle the squeaker; to murder a bastard, or throw It into the necessary house.--Organ pipes are likewise called squeakers. The squeakers are meltable; the small pipes are silver. CANT.1811
SQUEEKERa Barboy; also a Bastard, or any other Child. Stifle the Squueker; Murder the Child, and throw it into a House of Office.1737
TODDLERan infirm elderly person, or a child not yet perfect in walking.1819
URCHINA child, a little fellow; also a hedgehog.1811
WHELPAn impudent whelp; a saucy boy.1811
WHITE SWELLINGA woman big with child is said to have a white swelling.1811
WHORES KITLINGor Whores Son; a Bastard.1737
Religion : Marriage
AUTEM MORTA married woman; also a female beggar with several children hired or borrowed to excite charity. CANT.1811
AUTEM-MORTa marryd Woman; also one who travels up and down the Country, with one Child in their Arms, another on her Back, and often leading a third in her Hand.1737
BUCKS FACEA cuckold.1811
BUCKS-FACEa Cuckold.1737
GRAFTEDmade a Cuckold of.1737
GRAFTEDCuckolded, i.e. having horns grafted on his head.1811
HONEY MOONThe first month after marriage. A poor honey; a harmless, foolish, goodnatured fellow. It is all honey or a t--d with them; said of persons who are either in the extremity of friendship or enmity, either kissing or fighting.1811
HONEY-MOONthe first Month of Marriage.1737
HORN WORKCuckold-making.1811
MARRIAGE MUSICThe squalling and crying of children.1811
MARRIAGE MUSICKChildrens Cries.1737
MOUSE-TRAPas The Parsons Mouse-Trap, Marriage.1737
MOUSETRAPThe parsons mousetrap; the state of matrimony.1811
NOOZEDor caught in a Nooze, married; also hanged.1737
NOOZEDMarried, hanged.1811
OX HOUSEHe must go thro the Ox-house to Bed, said of an old Fellow that marries a young Woman.1737
OX HOUSEHe must go through the ox house to bed; a saying of an old fellow who marries a young girl.1811
PRIEST LINKEDmarried.1737
RIBA wife: an allusion to our common mother Eve, made out of Adams rib. A crooked rib: a cross-grained wife.1811
SHE HOUSEA house where the wife rules, or, as the term is, wears the breeches.1811
SOCKET MONEYdemanded and spent upon Marriage.1737
SPLICEDMarried: an allusion to joining two ropes ends by splicing. SEA TERM.1811
STAYA cuckold.1811
TENANT FOR LIFEA married man; i.e. possessed of a woman for life.1811
WESTMINSTER WEDDINGA match between a whore and a rogue.1811
WESTMINSTER-WEDDINGa Whore and a Rogue married together.1737
WOMAN AND HER HUSBANDA married couple, where the woman is bigger than her husband.1811
YOKEDMarried. A yoke; the quantum of labour performed at one spell by husbandmen, the days work being divided in summer into three yokes. Kentish term.1811
Religion : Religion
AMINADABA jeering name for a Quaker.1811
AUTEMa Church; also married.1737
AUTEMA church.1811
AUTEM CACKLERS, AUTEM PRICKEARSDissenters of every denomination. CANT.1811
AUTEM CACKLETUBA conventicle or meeting-house for dissenters. CANT.1811
AUTEM DIPPERSAnabaptists. CANT.1811
AUTEM QUAVER TUBA Quakers meeting-house. CANT.1811
AUTEM-CACKLERS, AUTEM-PRICKEARSDissenters of any Denomination.1737
AUTEM-CACKLETUBa Conventicle, a Meeting-House for Dissenters.1737
AUTEM-QUA-VERTUBa Quakers Meeting-House.1737
BLACK-SPYthe Devil.1737
BREAST FLEETHe or she belongs to the breast fleet; i.e. is a Roman catholic; an appellation derived from their custom of beating their breasts in the confession of their sins.1811
GOSPEL SHOPA church.1811
HUM BOXA pulpit.1811
HUM-Boxa Pulpit.1737
HUMSPersons at Church; as, There is a great Number of Hums in the Autem; i. e. There is a great Congregation1737
JAPANNEDOrdained. To be japanned; to enter into holy orders, to become a clergyman, to put on the black cloth: from the colour of the japan ware, which is black.1811
KIRKa church or chapel.1819
NECK VERSEFormerly the persons claiming the benefit of clergy were obliged to read a verse in a Latin manuscript psalter: this saving them from the gallows, was termed their neck verse: it was the first verse of the fiftyfirst psalm, Miserere mei,&c.1811
NEW LIGHTOne of the new light; a methodist.1811
NICKOld nick; the Devil.1811
NON-CONA nonconformist, presbyterian, or any other dissenter.1811
OLD NICKThe Devil: from NEKEN, the evil spirit of the north.1811
OLD ONEThe Devil. Likewise an expression of quizzical familiarity, as how dye do, OLD ONE?1811
OLD POGERThe Devil.1811
OLD ROGERthe Devil.1737
PANTILE SHOPA presbyterian, or other dissenting meeting house, frequently covered with pantiles: called also a cock-pit.1811
POT CONVERTSProselytes to the Romish church, made by the distribution of victuals and money.1811
PRATTLING BOXThe pulpit.1811
PRIEST-RIDDENGoverned by a priest, or priests.1811
RED-LETTER-MANa Roman Catholick.1737
RELIGIOUS HORSEOne much given to prayer, or apt to be down upon his knees.1811
REVERSEDA man set by bullies on his head, that his money may fall out of his breeches, which they afterwards by accident pick up. See HOISTING.1811
RUFFIANThe devil. CANT.--May the ruffian nab the cuffin queer, and let the harmanbeck trine with his kinchins about his colquarren; may the Devil take the justice, and let the constable be hanged with his children about his neck. The ruffian cly thee; the Devil take thee. Ruffian cook ruffian, who scalded the Devil in his feathers; a saying of a bad cook. Ruffian sometimes also means, a justice.1811
RUFFINthe Devil; as The Ruffin nab the Cuffin Quire, and let the Harman beck trine with his Kinchins about his Col quarron; i.e. Let the Devil take the Justice, and let the Constable hang with his Children about his Neck.1737
SCHISM SHOPA dissenting meeting house.1811
SCRATCHOld Scratch; the Devil: probably from the long and sharp claws with which he is frequently delineated.1811
SLABBERING BIBA parson or lawyers band.1811
SOLOMONor Soloman; the Mass.1737
SOLOMONThe mass. CANT.1811
STEEPLE HOUSEA name given to the church by Dissenters.1811
STRAIT-LACEDPrecise, over nice, puritanical.1811
WHINERSPrayers, Supplications, etc.1737
WHITFIELITEA follower of George Whitfield, a Methodist.1811