18th Century Thieves Cant |
Sex |
Sex : Brothels |
ACADEMY | a Bawdy House; a Receptacle for all sorts of Villains, where the Young Ones are initiated in the Canting Language, and all manner of Cheats and Impostures, and sorted into Tribes and Bands, according to their several Capacities for Mischief. | 1737 |
ACADEMY, or PUSHING SCHOOL | A brothel. The Floating Academy; the lighters on board of which those persons are confined, who by a late regulation are condemned to hard labour, instead of transportation.--Campbells Academy; the same, from a gentleman of that name, who had the contract for victualling the hulks or lighters. | 1811 |
CAVAULTING SCHOOL | a Bawdy-house. | 1737 |
CAVAULTING SCHOOL | A Bawdy-house. | 1811 |
NANNY HOUSE | A brothel. | 1811 |
NANNY-HOUSE | a Bawdy-house. | 1737 |
NUGGING-HOUSE | A brothel. | 1811 |
NUNNERY | A bawdy house. | 1811 |
PUNCH-HOUSES | bawdy-houses. | 1737 |
PUSHING SCHOOL | A fencing school; also a brothel. | 1811 |
PUSHING-SCHOOL | a Fencing-School; also a Bawdy house. | 1737 |
SCHOOL OF VENUS | a Bawdy-house. | 1737 |
SCHOOL OF VENUS | A bawdy-house. | 1811 |
SERAGLIETTO | a lousy, vile, sorry Bawdy-house, a meer Dog-hole. | 1737 |
SERAGLIO | a Bawdy-house; so called from the Great Turks Palace. | 1737 |
SERAGLIO | A bawdy-house; the name of that part of the Great Turks palace where the women are kept. | 1811 |
SMUGGLING KEN | A bawdy-house. | 1811 |
SMUGGLING-KEN | a Bawdy-house. | 1737 |
SNOOZING KEN | A brothel. The swell was spiced in a snoozing ken of his screens; the gentleman was robbed of his bank notes in a brothel. | 1811 |
VAULTING SCHOOL | A bawdy-house; also an academy where vaulting and other manly exercises are taught. | 1811 |
VAULTING-SCHOOL | a Bawdy-house. | 1737 |
Sex : Madams and Pimps |
ABBESS, or LADY ABBESS | A bawd, the mistress of a brothel. | 1811 |
AUNT | a Bawd, or Procuress; a Title of Eminence for the Senior Dells, who serve for Instructresses, Midwives, etc., to the Morts. | 1737 |
AUNT | Mine aunt; a bawd or procuress: a title of eminence for the senior dells, who serve for instructresses, midwives, &c. for the dells. CANT. See DELLS. | 1811 |
BAWD | a Female Procuress. | 1737 |
BAWD | A female procuress. | 1811 |
BEARD-SPLITTER | a Whore-master. | 1737 |
BROTHER of the Gussit | a Pimp, Procurer; also a Whore-master. | 1737 |
BULL | as, a Town Bull, a Whore-master. | 1737 |
BUTTOCK BROKER | A bawd, or match-maker. CANT. | 1811 |
BUTTOCK-BROKER | a Bawd, also a Match-maker. | 1737 |
COCK BAWD | A male keeper of a bawdy-house. | 1811 |
COCK PIMP | The supposed husband of a bawd. | 1811 |
COCK-BAWD | a Man who follows that base Employment, of procuring; a Pimp. | 1737 |
COCK-PIMP | a supposed Husband to a Bawd. | 1737 |
COVENT GARDEN ABBESS | A bawd. | 1811 |
COVESS | the mistress of a house or shop, and used on other occasions, in the same manner as Cove, when applied to a man. | 1819 |
MACKAREL | a Bawd. | 1737 |
MACKEREL | A bawd: from the French maquerel. Mackerel- backed; long-backed. | 1811 |
MADAM | A kept madam; a kept mistress. | 1811 |
MOTHER | a Bawd. | 1737 |
MOTHER, or THE MOTHER | A bawd. Mother abbess: the same. Mother midnight; a midwife. Mother in laws bit; a small piece, mothers in law being supposed not apt to overload the stomachs of their husbands children. | 1811 |
PIMP | A male procurer, or cock bawd; also a small faggot used about London for lighting fires, named from introducing the fire to the coals. | 1811 |
PIMP WHISKIN | A top trader in pimping. | 1811 |
PIMP-WHISKIN | a top Trader in pimping. | 1737 |
SHE NAPPER | A woman thief-catcher; also a bawd or pimp. | 1811 |
SHE-Napper | a Woman Thief-catcher; also a Hen-bawd, or Procuress; a Debaucher of young Virgins; a Maiden head-jobber. | 1737 |
STALLION | a Whore-Master; so called from a Stone-horse kept to cover Mares. | 1737 |
TOWN BULL | A common whoremaster. To roar like a town bull; to cry or bellow aloud. | 1811 |
VAN | as Madam Van. See Madam. | 1737 |
VAN | Madam Van; see MADAM. | 1811 |
Sex : Prostitutes |
ATHANASIAN WENCH, or QUICUNQUE VULT | A forward girl, ready to oblige every man that shall ask her. | 1811 |
BARBERS CHAIR | She is as common as a barbers chair, in which a whole parish sit to be trimmed; said of a prostitute. | 1811 |
BAT | A low whore: so called from moving out like bats in the dusk of the evening. | 1811 |
BLOWEN | A mistress or whore of a gentleman of the scamp. The blowen kidded the swell into a snoozing ken, and shook him of his dummee and thimble; the girl inveigled the gentleman into a brothel and robbed him of his pocket book and watch. | 1811 |
BLOWEN | a prostitute ; a woman who cohabits with a man without marriage. | 1819 |
BLOWER | a Mistress; also a Whore. | 1737 |
BOB TAIL | A lewd woman, or one that plays with her tail; also an impotent man, or an eunuch. Tag, rag, and bobtail; a mob of all sorts of low people. To shift ones bob; to move off, or go away. To bear a bob; to join in chorus with any singers. Also a term used by the sellers of game, for a partridge. | 1811 |
BOB-TAIL | a light woman, also an Eunuch or impotent Fellow. | 1737 |
BURICK | a prostitute, or common woman. | 1819 |
BUTTOCK | a Whore. | 1737 |
BUTTOCK | A whore. CANT. | 1811 |
BUTTOCK AND FILE | both Whore and Pickpocket. | 1737 |
BUTTOCK AND FILE | A common whore and a pick-pocket. Cant. | 1811 |
BUTTOCK AND TWANG | or a down-right Buttock and sham File, a common Whore, but no Pickpocket. | 1737 |
BUTTOCK AND TWANG or DOWN BUTTOCK AND SHAM FILE | A common whore, but no pickpocket. | 1811 |
CASE VROW | A prostitute attached to a particular bawdy house. | 1811 |
CASE-VROW | a Whore that plie in a Bawdy-house. | 1737 |
CAT | a common Whore or Prostitute. Who shall hang the bell about the Cats Neck? Who shall begin the Attack first? said of a desperate Undertaking. | 1737 |
CAT | A common prostitute. An old cat; a cross old woman. | 1811 |
CONVENIENT | a Mistress; also a Whore. | 1737 |
COVENT GARDEN NUN | A prostitute. | 1811 |
COVEY OF WHORES | a well-filld Bawdy-house. | 1737 |
CRACK | CRACKISH - a Whore/Whorish. | 1737 |
CRACK | A whore. | 1811 |
CRACKISH | Whorish. | 1811 |
CURTEZAN | a genteel fine Miss, or Quality Whore | 1737 |
CURTEZAN | A prostitute. | 1811 |
DOXIES | She beggars, Wenches, Whores. | 1737 |
DOXIES | She beggars, wenches, whores. | 1811 |
DRAB | a Whore, or Slut; a dirty Drab, a very nasty Slut | 1737 |
DRAB | A nasty, sluttish whore. | 1811 |
DRURY LANE VESTAL | A woman of the town, or prostitute; Drury-lane and its environs were formerly the residence of many of those ladies. | 1811 |
EASY VIRTUE | A lady of easy virtue: an impure or prostitute. | 1811 |
FAMILY of Love | Lewd Women, Whores; also a Sect. | 1737 |
FAMILY OF LOVE | Lewd women; also, a religious sect. | 1811 |
FANCY MAN | A man kept by a lady for secret services. | 1811 |
FEN | a Strumpet, or Bawd, a common prostitute. | 1737 |
FEN | A bawd, or common prostitute. CANT. | 1811 |
GIGGLERS | wanton Women. | 1737 |
HELL CAT | A termagant, a vixen, a furious scolding woman. See TERMAGANT and VIXEN. | 1811 |
HELL-CAT | a very lewd Woman. | 1737 |
LACED MUTTON | A prostitute. | 1811 |
LADY OF EASY VIRTUE | A woman of the town, an impure, a prostitute. | 1811 |
LEFT-HANDED WIFE | A concubine; an allusion to an ancient German custom, according to which, when a man married his concubine, or a woman greatly his inferior, he gave her his left hand. | 1811 |
LIGHT-FRIGATE | a Whore; also a Cruiser. | 1737 |
MADAM RAN | A whore. CANT. | 1811 |
MADAM VAN | a Whore; The Cull has been with Madam Van, the Fellow has enjoyed such a one. | 1737 |
MERRY A-SE CHRISTIAN | A whore. | 1811 |
MISS | a Whore of Quality. | 1737 |
MISS | A miss or kept mistress; a harlot. | 1811 |
MOB | or MAB; a Wench or Harlot. | 1737 |
MOB; or MAB | A wench, or harlot. | 1811 |
MOLL | A whore. | 1811 |
MOTT | a blowen, or woman of the town. | 1819 |
NATURAL | a Mistress, a Wench. | 1737 |
NATURAL | A mistress, a child; also an idiot. A natural son or daughter; a love or merry-begotten child, a bastard. | 1811 |
ONE OF MY COUSINS | a Wench. | 1737 |
ONE OF US, or ONE OF MY COUSINS | A woman of the town, a harlot. | 1811 |
PECULIAR | a Mistress; also particular, private, proper. | 1737 |
PECULIAR | A mistress. | 1811 |
PUBLIC LEDGER | A prostitute: because, like that paper, she is open to all parties. | 1811 |
PUNK | a little Whore. | 1737 |
PUNK | A whore; also a soldiers trull. See TRULL. | 1811 |
PURE | a Mistress. | 1737 |
QUEAN | a Whore or Slut. A dirty Quean, a Puzzle or Slut. | 1737 |
QUEAN | A slut, or worthless woman, a strumpet. | 1811 |
RECEIVER GENERAL | A prostitute. | 1811 |
ROOM | She lets out her fore room and lies backwards: saying of a woman suspected of prostitution. | 1811 |
RUM-Blower | a veru handsom Mistress, kept by a particular Man. | 1737 |
SCREW | a Strumper, a common Prostitute. | 1737 |
SHORT-HEELED WENCH | A girl apt to fall on her back. | 1811 |
SQUIRREL | A prostitute: because she like that animal, covers her back with her tail. Meretrix corpore corpus alit. Menagiana, ii. 128. | 1811 |
STRUMPET | A harlot. | 1811 |
TAIL | A prostitute. Also, a sword. | 1811 |
TAYLE | See TAIL. | 1811 |
TOWN | A woman of the town; a prostitute. To be on the town: to live by prostitution. | 1811 |
TRAPES | a dangling Slattern. | 1737 |
TRAPES | A slatternly woman, a careless sluttish woman. | 1811 |
TROLLOP | a A great Trollop, a lusty coarse Romp. | 1737 |
TROOPER | You will die the death of a troopers horse, that is, with your shoes-on; a jocular method of telling any one he will be hanged. | 1811 |
TRULL | a Whore, also a Tinkers travelling Wife or Wench. | 1737 |
UNFORTUNATE WOMEN | Prostitutes: so termed by the virtuous and compassionate of their own sex. | 1811 |
WASP | An infected prostitute, who like a wasp carries a sting in her tail. | 1811 |
WOMAN OF THE TOWN | a Prostitute, or common Harlot. | 1737 |
WOMAN OF THE TOWN, or WOMAN OF PLEASURE | A prostitute. | 1811 |
WRINKLE | A wrinkle-bellied whore; one who has had a number of bastards: child-bearing leaves wrinkles in a womans belly. To take the wrinkles out of any ones belly; to fill it out by a hearty meal. You have one wrinkle more in your a-se; i.e. you have one piece of knowledge more than you had, every fresh piece of knowledge being supposed by the vulgar naturalists to add a wrinkle to that part. | 1811 |
Sex : Related Terms |
CUNDUM | The dried gut of a sheep, worn by men in the act of coition, to prevent venereal infection; said to have been invented by one colonel Cundum. These machines were long prepared and sold by a matron of the name of Philips, at the Green Canister, in Half-moon-street, in the Strand. That good lady having acquired a fortune, retired from business; but learning that the town was not well served by her successors, she, out of a patriotic zeal for the public welfare, returned to her occupation; of which she | 1811 |
MACHINES | Mrs. Phillipss ware. See CUNDUM. | 1811 |
SOCKET MONEY | A whores fee, or hire: also money paid for a treat, by a married man caught in an intrigue. | 1811 |
Sex : Sex |
BACK DOOR (USHER, or GENTLEMAN OF THE) | The same. | 1811 |
BACK GAMMON PLAYER | A sodomite. | 1811 |
BLOW OFF THE GROUNDSILS | i.e. To lie with a Women on the Floor or Stairs. | 1737 |
BLOW OFF THE LOOSE CORNS | To lie now and then with a Woman | 1737 |
BROTHER STARLING | One who lies with the same woman, that is, builds in the same nest. | 1811 |
BROTHER-STARLING | that lies with the same Woman or builds in the same Nest. | 1737 |
BUNTING-TIME | when the Grass is high enough to hide the young Men and Maids. | 1737 |
BUTTERED BUN | One lying with a woman that has just lain with another man, is said to have a buttered bun. | 1811 |
BUTTERED-BUN | lying with a Woman that has been just lain with by another Man. | 1737 |
CLICKET | Copulation of Foxes, and thence used in a Canting Sense, for that of Men and Women; as The Cull and the Mort are at Clicket in the Dyke. | 1737 |
CLICKET | Copulation of foxes; and thence used, in a canting sense, for that of men and women: as, The cull and the mort are at clicket in the dyke; the man and woman are copulating in the ditch. | 1811 |
CLICKETING | the Act of Fruition. | 1737 |
DAB IT UP | to dab it up with a woman, is to agree to cohabit with her. | 1819 |
DOCK | to lie witha Woman. The Cull Docks the Dell in the Darkmans; the Rogue lay with the Wench all Night. | 1737 |
DRY BOB | A smart repartee: also copulation without emission; in law Latin, siccus robertulus. | 1811 |
DUTCHESS | A woman enjoyed with her pattens on, or by a man-in boots, is said to be made a dutchess. | 1811 |
FLOGGING | a naked Womans whipping with Rods an old (usually) and (sometimes) a young Letcher. The Prancer drew the Queer Cove, at the Crop-pin of the Rotan, through the Rum Pads of the Runville, and was Floggd by the Rum Cove, i. e. The Rogue was draggd at the Carts tail through the chief Streets of London, and was soundly whipt by the Hangman. | 1737 |
FLOGGING CULLY | A debilitated lecher, commonly an old one. | 1811 |
FLOGGING-CULLY | an old Letcher, who, to stimulate himself to Venery, causes himself to be whippd with Rods. | 1737 |
GOATISH | letcherous, wanton, lustfull. | 1737 |
GREEN GOWN | To give a girl a green gown; to tumble her on the grass. | 1811 |
GREEN-GOWN | a throwing of young Lasses on the Grass, and kissing them. | 1737 |
HORN COLIC | A temporary priapism. | 1811 |
HUMP | To hump; once a fashionable word for copulation. | 1811 |
JOCK | or Jockum cloy; to copulate with a Woman. | 1737 |
KEEPING CULLY | one that maintains a Mistress, and parts with his Money very generously to her. | 1737 |
KEEPING CULLY | One who keeps a mistress, as he supposes, for his own use, but really for that of the public. | 1811 |
KNOCK | To knock a woman; to have carnal knowledge of her. To knock off; to conclude: phrase borrowed from the blacksmith. To knock under; to submit. | 1811 |
LIB | to tumble or lie together. | 1737 |
MADGE CULLS | Sodomites. CANT. | 1811 |
MAN TRAP | A womans commodity. | 1811 |
MELTING MOMENTS | A fat man and woman in the amorous congress. | 1811 |
MOLLY | A Miss Molly; an effeminate fellow, a sodomite. | 1811 |
MUTTON | In her mutton, i.e. having carnal knowledge of a woman. | 1811 |
NIGGLING | accompanying with a Woman. | 1737 |
NUG | a Word of Love, as my Dear Nug, my Dear Love. | 1737 |
NUG | An endearing word: as, My dear nug; my dear love. | 1811 |
OCCUPY | To occupy a woman; to have carnal knowledge of her. | 1811 |
PLAISTER OF HOT GUTS | one warm Belly clapt to another. | 1737 |
PLAISTER OF WARM GUTS | One warm bellydapped to another; a receipt frequently prescribed for different disorders. | 1811 |
PRIGGING | lying with a Woman. | 1737 |
PRIGGING | Riding; also lying with a woman. | 1811 |
QUIFFING | Rogering. See TO ROGER. | 1811 |
RANGING | intriguing, and enjoying many Women. | 1737 |
RANGLING | Intriguing with a variety of women. | 1811 |
RANTUM SCANTUM | Playing at rantum scantum; making the beast with two backs. | 1811 |
RELISH | Carnal connection with a woman. | 1811 |
RIDING ST GEORGE | The woman uppermost in the amorous congress, that is, the dragon upon St. George. This is said to be the way to get a bishop. | 1811 |
RUTTING | Copulating. Rutting time; the season, when deer go to rut. | 1811 |
SCREW | to copulate with a Woman. | 1737 |
SMUT | Bawdy. Smutty story; an indecent story. | 1811 |
SMUTTY | Bawdy. | 1737 |
STALLION | A man kept by an old lady for secret services. | 1811 |
STATE | To lie in state; to be in bed with three harlots. | 1811 |
STRAPPING | lying with a Wench. | 1737 |
STRAPPING | Lying with a woman. CANT. | 1811 |
STROKE | To take a stroke: to take a bout with a woman. | 1811 |
THE DRAGON UPON ST. GEORGE | the Woman uppermost. | 1737 |
TIFFING | lying with a Wench, also Drinking. | 1737 |
TO BLOW THE GROUNSILS | To lie with a woman on the floor. Cant. | 1811 |
TO BOX THE JESUIT, AND GET COCK ROACHES | A sea term for masturbation; a crime, it is said, much practised by the reverend fathers of that society. | 1811 |
TO DOCK | To lie with a woman. The cull docked the dell all the darkmans; the fellow laid with the wench all night. Docked smack smooth; one who has suffered an amputation of his penis from a venereal complaint. He must go into dock; a sea phrase, signifying that the person spoken of must undergo a salivation. Docking is also a punishment inflicted by sailors on the prostitutes who have infected them with the venereal disease; it consists in cutting off all their clothes, petticoats, shift and all, close to | 1811 |
TO SCREW | To copulate. A female screw; a common prostitute. To screw one up; to exact upon one in a bargain or reckoning. | 1811 |
To SHAG | To copulate. He is but bad shag; he is no able womans man. | 1811 |
To STRUM | To have carnal knowledge of a woman; also to play badly on the harpsichord; or any other stringed instrument. A strummer of wire, a player on any instrument strung with wire. | 1811 |
TO SWIVE | To copulate. | 1811 |
TO TUP | To have carnal knowledge of a woman. | 1811 |
TO WAP | To copulate, to beat. If she wont wap for a winne, let her trine for a make; if she wont lie with a man for a penny, let her hang for a halfpenny. Mort wap-apace; a woman of experience, or very expert at the sport. | 1811 |
TOSS OFF | Manual pollution. | 1811 |
TWO HANDED PUT | The amorous congress. | 1811 |
VAULT | as, To Vault, to commit Acts of Debauchery. | 1737 |
WAP | to lie with a Man. If she wont wap for a Win, let her trine for a Make; if she wont lie with a Man for a Penny, let her hang for a Half-penny. Mort wap-apace; a Woman of Experience, or very expert at the Sport. | 1737 |
WAPPING | the Act of Coition. | 1737 |
WINDWARD PASSAGE | One who uses or navigates the windward passage; a sodomite. | 1811 |