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18th Century Thieves Cant
Violence : Violence
BASHto beat any person by way of correction, as the woman you live with, &c.1819
BASTEto beat.1737
BASTINGA beating.1811
BASTONADINGa Cudgelling1737
BASTONADINGBeating any one with a stick; from baton, a stick, formerly spelt baston.1811
CANETo lay Cane upon Abel; to beat any one with a cane or stick.1811
CANE UPON ABELa good Stick or Cudgel, well-favouredly laid on a Mans shoulders1737
CHAFDwell beaten or bangd.1737
CHAFEDWell beaten; from CHAUFFE, warmed.1811
CLAWD-OFFlustily lashd. Also swingingly poxd or clapd.1737
CLAWED OFFSeverely beaten or whipped; also smartly poxed or clapped.1811
CONTENTI beat him to his Hearts Content; till he had enough of Fighting. Also to murder a Person, who resists being robbd. The Culls Content; i.e. He is past complaining.1737
CRASHto Kill. Crash the Cull, i.e. Kill the Fellow.1737
CUDGELLIERSa Mob rudely armd; also Cudgel-Players.1737
CULPa Kick or Blow1737
CUTTING-GLOAKa man famous for drawing a knife, and cutting any person he quarrels with.1819
DINGto knock down.1737
DINGTo knock down. To ding it in ones ears; to reproach or tell one something one is not desirous of hearing. Also to throw away or hide: thus a highwayman who throws away or hides any thing with which he robbed, to prevent being known or detected, is, in the canting lingo, styled a Dinger.1811
DUB O TH HICKA lick on the head.1811
DUM-foundto beat soundly.1737
DUMB-FOUNDEDSilenced, also soundly beaten.1811
EASYMake the cull easy or quiet; gag or kill him. As easy as pissing the bed.1811
EIGHT EYESI will knock out two of your eight eyes; a common Billingsgate threat from one fish nymph to another: every woman, according to the naturalists of that society, having eight eyes; viz. two seeing eyes, two bub-eyes, a bell-eye, two popes eyes, and a ***-eye. He has fallen down and trod upon his eye; said of one who has a black eye.1811
EXPENDEDKilled: alluding to the gunners accounts, wherein the articles consumed are charged under the title of expended. Sea phrase.1811
FAGto Beat; as, Fag the Bloss, Bang the Wench; Fag the Fen, Drub the Whore. Whence to FAGGOT.1737
FAGGOTto bind Hand and Foot; as Faggot the Culls; i.e. Bind the Men.1737
FIBto beat; Fib the Coves Quarron in the Rompad, for the Lour in his Bung. Beat the Man in the Highway for the Money in his Purse.1737
FIBa stick. To Jib is to beat with a stick ; also to box.1819
FIBBING-MATCHa boxing match.1819
FLIPto shoot.1819
FLOGGDseverely lashd.1737
FLOGGD AT THE TUMBLERwhipt at the Carts Arse1737
FLOORto knock down any one, either for the purpose of robbery, or to effect your escape, is termed flooring him.1819
HACKand Hue, to cut in pieces.1737
HAZLE GELDto beat any one with a Hazle Stick or Plant.1737
HUSH Hush the cull; murder the fellow.1811
HUSHDmurderd, etc.1737
ILL CUT YOUR PAINTER FOR YEIll prevent your doing me any Mischief: the Tar Cant when they quarrel onw with another.1737
LACINGbeating, drubbing; Ill Lace your Coat, Sirrah! I will beat you soundly!1737
LACINGBeating. Ill lace your jacket handsomely.1811
LAMB-PYEbeating or drubbing.1737
LAMBASTEto beat soundly.1737
MILLto fight. To mill a person is to beat him.1819
MILL THEMkill them.1737
NOPEa Blow, a Knock on the Pate; as We hit him a Nope on the Costard.1737
NOPEA blow: as, I took him a nope on the costard.1811
O BE JOYFULIll make you sing O be joyful on the other side of your mouth; a threat, implying the party threatened will be made to cry. To sing O be easy; to appear contented when one has cause to complain, and dare not.1811
PINKDpricked with a Sword in a re-encounter or Duel. He pinked his Dubblet, he run him through.1737
POKEA blow with the fist: Ill lend you a poke. A poke likewise means a sack: whence, to buy a pig in a poke, i.e. to buy any thing without seeing or properly examining it.1811
POLTA blow. Lend him a polt in the muns; give him a knock in the face.1811
POLT ON THE PATEa good Rap there.1737
POUNDTo beat. How the milling cove pounded the cull for being nuts on his blowen; how the boxer beat the fellow for taking liberties with his mistress.1811
PUMMELto beat, I pummelled his Sides for him., I beat him soundly.1737
SCOWRERSDrunkards beating the Watch, breaking Windows, clearing the Streets, etc.1737
SETTLEto stun, or knock down; as, We settled the Cull by a Stoter on his Nob; i.e. We took him such a Blow on the Head, as quite stunnd him.1737
SILENCETo silence a man; to knock him down, or stun him. Silence in the court, the cat is pissing; a gird upon any one requiring silence unnecessarily.1811
SILENT A MANto knock him down, so as to stun him: To lay him down for dead. See the Cull is Silent, is also usd by desperate Villains, for cutting the Throat, or shooting the unhappy Person who falls in their way.1737
SMASHto quell, to beat or abuse violently; to kill.1737
SMASHto smite, to kick down Stairs. The Chubs tout the Blosses, they smash them, and make them brush; The Sharpers catch their Mistress at the Tavern, making merry without them, kick them down Stairs, and force them to rub off.1737
SOUDSEto fall upon, to beat cruelly; also to plunder or kill.1737
SOWRto beat violently, etc. As, Sowr the Cull; i. e. knock him down: Beat him without Mercy, etc1737
STOTERa great Blow. Stoter him, or, Tip him a Stoter; Settle him; give him a swinging Blow.1737
STOTERA great blow. Tip him a stoter in the haltering place; give him a blow under the left ear.1811
TAPa Blow; a small Tap, etc.1737
TAPA gentle blow. A tap on the shoulder;-an-arrest. To tap a girl; to be the first seducer: in allusion to a beer barrel. To tap a guinea; to get it changed.1811
THUMPA blow. This is better than a thump on the back with a stone; said on giving any one a drink of good liquor on a cold morning. Thatch, thistle, thunder, and thump; words to the Irish, like the Shibboleth of the Hebrews.1811
THWACKto beat with a Stick or Cudgel.1737
THWACKA great blow with a stick across the shoulders.1811
TILTTo tilt; to fight with a sword. To run full tilt against one; allusion to the ancient tilling with the lance.1811
TO BANGTo beat.1811
TO BASTETo beat. Ill give him his bastings, Ill beat him heartily.1811
TO CRASHTo kill. Crash that cull; kill that fellow. CANT.1811
TO DRESSTo beat. Ill dress his hide neatly; Ill beat him soundly.1811
TO DRUBTo beat any one with a stick, or ropes end: perhaps a contraction of DRY RUB. It is also used to signify a good beating with any instrument.1811
TO FAGTo beat. Fag the bloss; beat the wench; Cant. A fag also means a boy of an inferior form or class, who acts as a servant to one of a superior, who is said to fag him, he is my fag; whence, perhaps, fagged out, for jaded or tired. To stand a good fag; not to be soon tired.1811
TO FANTo beat any one. I fanned him sweetly; I beat him heartily.1811
To SWADDLETo beat with a stick.1811
TO SWINDE ONE OFFto beat him soundly.1737
TO SWINGETo beat stoutly.1811
TO THROTTLETo strangle.1811
TO TUNETo beat: his father tuned him delightfully: perhaps from fetching a tune out of the person beaten, or from a comparison with the disagreeable sounds of instruments when tuning.1811
TOPPERA violent blow on the head.1811
TOWER HILL PLAYa Slap on the Face and a Kick on the Breech.1737
TOWER HILL PLAYA slap on the face, and a kick on the breech.1811
TWITto hit in the Teeth.1737
WIPEa Blow; also a Reflection. He tipt him a rum Wipe; He gave him a swinging Blow. I gave him a Wipe; I spoke something that cut him, or gauld him. He wipd his Nose; He gulld him.1737
WIPEA blow, or reproach. Ill give you a wipe on the chops. That story gave him a fine wipe. Also a handkerchief.1811
Violence : Weapons
BARKING IRONSPistols, from their explosion resembling the bow-wow or barking of a dog. IRISH.1811
BARKING-IRONSpistols; an obsolete term.1819
BILBOAA sword. Bilboa in Spain was once famous for well-tempered blades: these are quoted by Falstaff, where he describes the manner in which he lay in the buck-basket. Bilboes, the stock; prison. Cant.1811
BILLBILBOA; a Sword. Bite the Bill from the Cull; i.e. Whip the Sword from his Side.1737
BOLTA blunt arrow.1811
BULL DOGSPistols.1811
DAGa Gun.1737
DEGENa Sword. Nim the Degen, whip the Sword from the Gentlemans side.1737
DEGEN, or DAGENA sword. Nim the degen; steal the sword. Dagen is Dutch for a sword. CANT.1811
FERRARAAndrea Ferrara; the name of a famous sword- cutler: most of the Highland broad-swords are marked with his name; whence an Andrea Ferrara has become the common name for the glaymore or Highland broad- sword. See GLAYMORE.1811
HALBERTA weapon carried by a serjeant of foot. To get a halbert; to be appointed a serjeant. To be brought to the halberts; to be flogged a la militaire: soldiers of the infantry, when flogged, being commonly tied to three halberts, set up in a triangle, with a fourth fastened across them. He carries the halbert in his face; a saying of one promoted from a serjeant to a commission officer.1811
JORDAINa great Blow or Staff; also a Chamber-Pot. Ill tip him a Jordain, if I transnear; I will give him a Blow with my Staff, if I get up to him.1737
JORDAINA great blow, or staff. Ill tip him a jordain if I transnear; i.e. Ill give him a blow with my staff, if I come near him. CANT.1811
MORGLAGa Watchmans brown Bill; as Glaives, are Bills or Swords.1737
MORGLAGA brown bill, or kind of halbert, formerly carried by watchmen; corruption of MORE, great or broad, and GLAVE, blade.1811
POKERa Sword.1737
POKERA sword. Fore pokers; aces and kings at cards. To burn your poker; to catch the venereal disease.1811
POPSPistols, To pop, to fire a Pistol, etc.1737
POPSPistols. Popshop: a pawnbrokers shop. To pop; to pawn: also to shoot. I popped my tatler; I pawned my watch. I popt the cull; I shot the man. His means are two pops and a galloper; that is, he is a highwayman.1811
POPSPistols; an obsolete term.1819
PORKERa Sword.1737
QUEER DEGENAn ordinary sword, brass or iron hilted.1811
QUEERE DEGENan Iron, Steel or Brass hilted Sword.1737
RUM DEGENa Silver-hilted or inlaid Sword.1737
RUM DEGENA handsome sword. CANT.1811
RUM-TILTERthe same as Rum-tol, or Rum-degen.1737
RUM-TOLthe same as Rum-degen, being the newest Cant Word of the two.1737
SHILLALEYAn oaken sapling, or cudgel: from a wood of that name famous for its oaks. IRISH.1811
SLUGA piece of lead of any shape, to be fired from a blunderbuss. To fire a slug; to drink a dram.1811
SPADOA sword. SPANISH.1811
SPITA sword.1811
STICKa pistol.1819
STICKSPops or pistols. Stow your sticks; hide your pistols. CANT. See POPS.1811
TAYLEa Sword.1737
TILTERa Sword. To Tilt, to fight with a Rapier. Run a Tilt; a swift Pursuit.1737
TILTERA sword.1811
TOLToledo, a Sword. Bite the Tol; Steal the Sword. A Rum Tol; A silver hilted Sword. A Queere Tol; A Brass or Steel-hilted or ordinary Sword.1737
TOL, or TOLEDOA sword: from Spanish swords made at Toledo, which place was famous for sword blades of an extraordinary temper.1811
TOOTH-PICKA large stick. An ironical expression.1811
TOWELAn oaken towel, a cudgel. To rub one down with an oaken towel; to beat or cudgel him.1811
WHINYARDa Sword.1737
WHINYARDA sword.1811
WITCHER-Tiltera Silver-hilted Sword. He has bit, or drawn the Witcher-tilter; He has stole the Silver-hilted Sword.1737