The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living
January 2nd : COFFEE
I have tried nearly every method of preparing the Arabian beverage; and find, after all, that there is no surer way of having coffee clear and strong, than pursuing the plan here given.
Beat up an egg — two for a large pot, and mix it well with the coffee till you have formed it into a ball ; fill the pot with cold water, allowing room enough to put in the ingredients ; let it simmer very gently for an hour, but do not think of stirring it on any account.
Just before it is required, put the pot on the fire and warm it well; but as you value the true aroma, take care that it does not boil. Pour it off gently,andyou will have as pure and as strong an extract of the Indian berry as you can desire. Use white sugar candy, in powder, in preference to sugar ; cream, if attainable; if not, boiled milk.