The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living
October 5th : GIBLET PIE
Two sets of giblets are requisite to make a moderately sized pie: let these be properly cleaned and half stewed, cut the liver into three pieces, the gizzard into four, and divide the neck into joints, separate the feet from the legs ; strain off the liquor, and put both that and the meat by till perfectly cold; strew a moderate allowance of pepper and salt over the giblets, and do the same by a piece of rump-steak the size of the bottom of your pie dish; arrange the gizzard, & c . & c ., over the steak, pour in about a tea-cupful of veal stock, cover with puff paste, and bake in a slow oven for an hour and a half.
The liquor from the stew will by this time be quite cool enough to skim away the fat, thicken it with a tea-spoonful of flour, a bit of butter the size of a walnut, and add the juice of a lemon; boil this up, and, when the pie is sufficiently baked, strain it through a fine sieve, make a hole in the crust, pour in the liquor, replace the paste you have removed, smear the top with the yolk of an egg, and set the pie before the fire for a few minutes.
This is an admirable dish hot or cold.