Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Epicure's Almanac : MARMALADE OF QUINCES

The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living


The fruit intended to be used for marmalade ought to be perfectly ripe. Pare and core the quantity required, then cut each into four parts.

Put both the fruit and parings, with half a dozen cloves, into a stewpan, and fill it nearly with spring water; let it simmer over a slow fire till the fruit is soft. Take out the fruit, weigh it, and beat it into a pulp in a mortar. Dissolve white sugar, the same weight as the quinces, in part of the liquor in which the fruit and parings were stewed, boil the syrup and skim it very carefully; put in the fruit and let it stew very gently for three quarters of an hour, stirring it well all the while, to prevent its burning.