Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Epicure's Almanac : MUSHROOM CATCHUP

The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living


I find the following method will produce the best extract. Carefully examine the lot of mushrooms, and remove any that are unsound, or have the worm; pluck out the stalks, and place the mushrooms selected for use in a deep dish, with their tops downwards, strew a liberal handful of salt over them; in two hours you will perceive a quantity of dark -coloured liquid at the bottom of the dish, and the brown interior of the fungus undergoing a rapid dissolution; with a silver dessert spoon remove the interior from its leathern top, throwing away the latter.

As soon as you have completed this, add a tea-spoonful of Cayenne, half a dozen allspice, and boil the liquor till you have thoroughly dis solved all the mushroom. Strain and bottle for use.

This may appear an extravagant method, but let any one try to extract flavour from the stalks and tops, and it will be acknowledged that the trouble might have been spared.