The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living
October 15th : MUTTON BROTH
For the sick room mutton broth should be prepared as follows:
Take off the skin and fat from a pound of the neck, put it into a quart of cold water, and let it boil very gently, skimming constantly; when you have removed as much scum as possible, put on the cover, and let the saucepan stand close to the fire for an hour, then pour out the liquor through a sieve; let it become quite cold to remove the slightest vestige of fat, season very moderately with pepper and salt; warm it up again, and serve it with sippets of toasted bread. For those in the enjoyment of man's greatest blessing, health, it is thus made:
Cut the fat off half a dozen chops from the loin; put these into a quart of cold water, with a couple of turnips peeled and cut into slices, an onion chopped fine, and a table spoonful of mixed sweet herbs; set a stewpan over a moderate fire; when the broth boils skim it well, cover down and let it simmer for an hour; take out the meat and vegetables, and pour the broth into a shallow dish; when quite cold take off the fat, and season the liquor with salt, enough Cayenne and powdered mace mixed to cover a sixpence. Pour back the liquor, put in the chops, &c., let all stew for half an hour longer, and serve both broth and meat in a tureen .