Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Epicure's Almanac : PEPPER POSSET

The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living

January 8th. : PEPPER POSSET

This old English preparation is still used in many parts of the country, as a sovereign sudorific. That it was highly esteemed in the gay days which followed the usurpation of Cromwell, we have no less an authority than “ Glorious John ," as Dryden has been designated by his admirers, and it appears by his mention that it was regarded as a favourite remedy even by the softer sex :

“Or sick, a pepper posset was her cure.”

It is concocted as follows: - Put a dozen corns of whole pepper, or, which is far preferable, a dozen all spice, into a pint of milk, and let it simmer slowly ; when it boils, pour in a gill of sherry, and let all boil till the curd becomes hard ; strain off the whey, and drink it hot.

It may be well to observe, that two good-sized wine glasses will hold a gill.