Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Epicure's Almanac : PICKLED SALMON

The Epicure's Almanac or Diary of Good Living


Let me advise you always to purchase more fish than will be eaten when first sent to table, and for this especial reason :

Two things going by the same name cannot be more unlike each other than pickled salmon bought at an oyster shop, and that made at home. To do this is as simple and easy as possible.

Place what remains of your fish in a vegetable dish; strew half a salt-spoonful of Cayenne and a tea-spoonful of salt over it; boil a dozen allspice in a pint of white-wine vinegar, and pour the liquor scalding hot over the salmon: it is quite good the same day on which you have made the pickle, but infinitely improved by keeping it for a day or two.

It should be put away in a cold place, and securely covered down , or you will run the hazard of a visit from cats, whose partiality for this preparation is a proof of their extremely good taste.