Harris's List of Covent-Garden Ladies for the year 1788
Miss Bolton
Miss B—lt—n, No. 14, Lisle-Street, Leicester Fields.
Why should they e'er give me pain,
Who to give me joy disdain;
All I ask of mortal man,
Is to ———— me whilst he can.
These four lines were not more applicable to Miss C—tl—y, than to this present reigning lover of the sport; she is rather above mediocrity in height and size, with fine dark hair, and a pair of bewitching hazel eyes; very agreeable and loving, but she is not so unreasonable as to expect constancy; it is a weak unprofitable quality in a woman, and if she can persuade her husband or keeper that she has it, it is just the same as though she really possessed it. Miss B—lt—n is conscious she loves variety, as it conduces both to her pleasure and interest; and she gives each of her gallants the same liberty of conscience, therefore she never lessens the fill of joy, by any real or affected freaks of jealousy; when her lovers come to her, they are welcome, and they are equally so when they fly to another's arms. Indeed, when they do so, it is generally to her advantage, as she finds they return to her with redoubled ardour, and her charms are in general more dear, from a comparison with others; and although her age is bordering upon twenty-four, and she has been a traveller in our path four years, her desires are not the least abated, nor does she set less value on herself.