Harris's List of Covent-Garden Ladies for the year 1788
Miss Hollin
Miss H—ll—n, No. 2, Glanville-street.
Oh she is all the heart would wish, or eye admire,
The purest child of love by beauty fir'd;
Whom but to love, need only but to see,
To see, admire, such heaven born symmetry;
To touch, to feel, ah, there's the potent hold
That chains the will, and molds the snowy heart
To love's delightful glow; the milky hills
Half rising, half suppress'd, with glowing ardor
Ask corporeal pressure, and invite
The carnal weapon to its burning sheath.
This lady, in consequence of a trivial fall out with her parents, (which by the bye she had long sought for)left her home, and flushed with all the fire of youth impetuous; burning with every desire the young hand of lust could create, and still a stranger, except in idea, to the grand subduer of their fires, she sought this expanded field of delight, nor sought in vain; her youth and person soon attracted the eye of an old male veteran in our band, and her innocence and simplicity were soon overpowered, her maiden honours plucked, and all her virgin claims at once lie dead.
The lively girl in question is now entering her sixteenth year, has only been four months on the town, the thinly covered grot below has therefore not yet sufficiently felt the general influence of its much sought for acquaintance, to be very thickly covered, still she thinks it proof against any attack, nor fears to meet the most vigorous, tho' destitute of every other weapon. She is rather darkly complexioned, with fine hazel eyes, is short, and inclinable to be lusty, and as pretty a leg and foot as man would wish to divide, which any good natured man, with two guineas in his pocket that he has no objection to spare, may lie between the whole livelong night, and taste all the raptures he can possibly expect to meet with, in one as yet so untutored in the art.