Harris's List of Covent-Garden Ladies for the year 1788
Miss Lister
Miss L—st—r, No. 6, Union-Street, Oxford-Road.
Oh, pleasing talk, to paint the ripen'd charms
Of youth untutor'd in the female arts;
To see instinctively desire blaze out,
And warm the mind with all its burning joys.
The tell-tale eyes in liquid pools sustain'd,
The throbbing breast now rising, now suppress't;
The thrilling bliss quick darting thro' the frame,
The short fetch'd sighs, the snow white twining limbs,
The sudden gush, and the extatic oh.
SUCH our all pleasing L—st—r leads the train, and, smiling like the morn, unfolds her heaven of beauties. Oh, for a Guido's touch, or Thomson's thought, to paint the richness of her unequall'd charms; every perfection that can possibly adorn the face and mind of Woman seem centered in this bewitching girl; hither resort then, ye genuine lovers of beauty and good sense; here, whilst Plutus reigns, may you revel nor know satiety; here feast the longing appetite, and return with fresh vigor to every attack. Now arrived at the tempting age of nineteen, her imagination is filled with every luscious idea, refined sensibiiity, and fierce desire can unite, her form is majestic, tall, and elegant; her make truly genteel, her complexion
As April's lily fair,
And blooming as June's brightest rose.
Painted by the masterly hand of nature, shaded by tresses of the darkest brown, and enlivened by two stars that swim in all the essence of unsatiated love.
Her pouting lips distil nectarious balm,
And thro' the frame its thrilling transports dart;
which, when parted, display a casket of snow white pearls, ranged in the nicest regularity, the neighbouring hills below full ripe for manual pressure, firm, and elastic, and heave at every touch. The Elysian font, in the centre of a black bewitching grove, supported by two pyramids white as alabaster, very delicate, and soft as turtle's down. At the approach of their favourite lord unfold, and for three guineas he is conducted to this harbour of never failing delight. Add to all this, she sings well, is a very chearful companion, and has only been, in life nine months.