Harris's List of Covent-Garden Ladies for the year 1788
Miss Milton
Miss M—lt—n, No. 9, Charles-Street, Covent-Garden.
Here haste ye gay, take pleasure on the wing,
Taste all her sweets conjoin'd, nor fear her sting.
This agreeable girl has a pretty face suffused with a good complexion, dark penetrating eyes, hair of the same hue, which waves in glossy ringlets o'er her shoulders, a set of good teeth, and a stature of the exact medium between a giant and a pigmy; she has not been more than eight months in this grand mart of universal commerce, and now stands out for a settlement from some of her warm admirers, which (being at the rich age of twenty, the prime of female charms, when every zeal that can enhance enjoyments is at its full zenith) she concludes ought to be a good one. Mr. N—by, a limb of the law, is her greatest friend and her particular admirer, but does not seem to have any objection to her "Flying abroad for food," and is not at all displeased to find her a guinea richer than when he left her.