Harris's List of Covent-Garden Ladies for the year 1788
Miss Richardson
Miss R—ch—rds—n, No. 2 Bennett-Street, Rathbone-Place.
If women were as little as they are good,
A peas cod would make them a gown and a hood.
A pretty, little, lively, fair complexioned girl, with a dainty leg and foot, and as pretty a pair of pouting bubbies as ever went against a man's stomach, and one who well deserves the attention that is paid her by every man capable of knowing her value. She is pleasing, though fond, and can make wantonness delightful; every part assists to bring on the momomentary delirium, and then each part combines to raise up the fallen member, to contribute again to repeated rapture; her price is commonly two guineas, but if a man is clever, she is very ready to make some abatement.