Harris's List of Covent-Garden Ladies for the year 1788
Mrs Crosby
Mrs. Cr—sby, No, 24, George Street, over Black Fryars Bridge.
Fast lock'd in her arms,
And enjoying her charms,
Every frown of old care I'll defy;
Give desire such a loose,
That the all potent Juice,
Shall pervade ev'ry sense, and swim in each Eye.
Birmingham lays claim to the birth of this daughter of love, and, under the care and protection of an indulgent father and mother, she reached her fifteenth year " pure and unsullied;" at this period nature began to be very bay with Nancy, and a strong propensity for seeing Life, compelled her to leave her parents and enter into servitude, and being particularly attached to the sons of Neptune, she chose for her master a sea captain, whose name she still prefers to any other. A twelve month had not elapsed in the captain's service before our charmer's feelings had reached their highest pitch, and the captain, blest with a keen appetite, after a six months voyage, with little persuasion, opened her port hole, cleared her gangway, and threw her virtue overboard.
He grew strongly attached to her, and, being a man rather advanced in years, became contented and happy, nor wished for any other but his dear Nancy. She was his own, and he was all she at that time wished or desired for; one or two little prattlers were pledges of their mutual regard, and till the day of the captain's death they lived " the happy pair." It is near two years since she lost her friend, by whose death she receives a little annuity, that will ever keep her from the necessity of parading the streets merely for support, and you are certain to meet with her at home at almost any hour of the day; in the evening the generally visits one of the Theatres, and always sits in the side boxes, in which place she contrives to chuse her spark, and if possible to take him home with her (for she never sleeps out,) where he will meet with snug comfortable apartments, civility, good humour, and a very engaging partner, whilst she continues good humoured; if he uses any language or behaviour to ruffle her temper, she can act the Virago as well as most of her sex. She is rather below mediocrity in size, with dark hair, flowing in ringlets down her back, languishing languishing grey eyes, and a very tolerable complexion, and a pair of pretty little firm bubbies. Her leg and foot is particularly graceful, always ornamented with a white silk stocking, and a neat shoe; she is a loving bedfellow, and sincerely attaches herself to the enjoyment, feels the thrilling sensation with poignancy, and for one guinea will enjoy you as many times as you please.
N. B. She keeps the house, and you must not mention to her a syllable concerning her pretty lodger above, if you wish to be calm below.