Adhesive Plaster. | 1785 |
Take of common plaster, half a pound; of Burgundy pitch, a quarter of a pound. Melt them together.
Anodyne Plaster. | 1785 |
Melt an ounce of adhesive plaster, and, when it is cooling, mix with it a drachm of powdered opium, and the same quantity of camphor, previously rubbed up with a little oil.
Blistering Plaster. | 1785 |
Take of Venice turpentine, six ounces; yellow wax, two ounces; Spanish flies in fine powder, three ounces; powdered mustard, one ounce. Melt the wax, and while it is warm, add to it the turpentine, ta...
Common Plaster. | 1785 |
Take of common olive oil, six pints; litharge reduced to a fine powder, two pounds and a half. Boil the litharge and oil together over a gentle fire, continually stirring them, and keeping always abou...
Gum Plaster. | 1785 |
Take of the common plaster, four pounds; gum ammoniac and galbanum, strained, of each half a pound. Melt them together, and add, of Venice turpentine, six ounces.
Mercurial Plaster. | 1785 |
Take of common plaster, one pound; of gum ammoniac, strained, half a pound. Melt them together, and, when cooling, add eight ounces of quick-silver, previously extinguished by triture, with three ounc...
Stomach Plaster. | 1785 |
Take of gum plaster, half a pound; camphorated oil, an ounce and a half; black pepper, or capsicum, where it can be had, one ounce. Melt the plaster, and mix with it the oil; then sprinkle in the pepp...
Warm Plaster. | 1785 |
Take of gum plaster, one ounce; blistering plaster, two drachms. Melt them together over a gentle fire.
Wax Plaster. | 1785 |
Take of yellow wax, one pound; white resin, half a pound; mutton suet, three quarters of a pound. Melt them together.
Aromatic opening Powder. | 1785 |
Take of the best Turkey rhubarb, cinnamon, and fine sugar, each two drachms. Let the ingredients be pounded, and afterwards mixed well together.
Astringent Powder. | 1785 |
Take of alum and Japan earth, each two drachms. Pound them together, and divide the whole into ten or twelve doses.
Carminative Powder. | 1785 |
Take of coriander seed, half an ounce; ginger, one drachm; nutmegs, half a drachm; fine sugar, a drachm and a half. Reduce them into powder for twelve doses.
Diuretic Powder. | 1785 |
Take of gum arabic, four ounces; purified nitre, one ounce. Pound them together, and divide the whole into twenty-four doses.
Powder for The Tape-worm. | 1785 |
Early in the morning the patient is to take in any liquid, two or three drachms, according to his age and constitution, of the root of the male fern reduced into a fine powder. About two hours afterwa...
Powder of Bole. | 1785 |
Take of bole armenic, or French bole, two ounces; cinnamon, one ounce; tormentil root and gum arabic, of each six drachms; long pepper, one drachm. Let all these ingredients be reduced into a powder.
Purging Worm-Powder. | 1785 |
Take of powdered rhubarb, a scruple; scammony and calomel, of each five grains. Rub them together in a mortar for one dose.
Saline Laxative Powder. | 1785 |
Take of soluble tartar, and cream of tartar, each one drachm; purified nitre, half a drachm. Make them into a powder.
Steel Powder. | 1785 |
Take filings of steel, and loaf-sugar, of each two ounces; ginger, two drachms. Pound them together.
Sudorific Powder. | 1785 |
Take purified nitre and vitriolated tartar, of each half an ounce; opium and ipecacuanha, of each one drachm. Mix the ingredients, and reduce them to a fine powder.
Worm-Powders. | 1785 |
Take of tin reduced into a fine powder, an ounce; AEthiop's mineral, two drachms. Mix them well together, and divide the whole into six doses.