2. Stomach Plaister compound.
Take Tacamahac colated, 7 drams; powdered Mint, Balaustines, each half a dram; Oil of Cloves, Nutmeg, Anise, Amber, eash 2 drops, mix.
The Left Orifice of the Ventricle is tied to the Diaphragm, about the 11th Vertebra of the Thorax, and inclineth toward the hinder Parts. Hence Doctor Highmore argues, that in debility of Stomach, it's of most Advantage to lay the Stomach Plaister to the Back; Which thing also Riverius (de Appetitu Canino) noteth: And Bartholine, in his Anatomy de Ventricle, pag. 68.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710