A Bitter Infusion.
Take common Water distl'd 2 quarts; Brandy half a pint; Salt of Tarter 32 grains; Gentian root 3 drams; tops of Carduus, Centory, Camomile flowers, each 6 drams; Cochineal 2 scruples; infuse in Balneo 12 hours, and strain.
Common Water distil'd in an Alembic will keep in the Shop as well as other ditil'd Waters, and may serve as a cheap and general Vehicle in Juleps, Infusions, &c. And is divested of all sorts of Salts.
I choose Carduus tops rather than Seed, because the Seed being Oiley, is apt to make the Infusion muddy; but as here order'd, 'twill be diaphanously clear.
Its a little warmer, than the common bitter Draught, because in a quarter of a pint of the Liquor there is about half an ounce of Brandy.
I use to give it either alone, or with bitter Wine, sometimes prescribing equal quantities: Sometimes of the Infusion 12 ounces, and of the Wine 4 ounces, and so varying as I see fit. The Dose is 6 tp 8 spoonfuls, twice a Day.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710