A Cardiac Infusion.
Take conserve of red Roses 1 ounce; conserve of Borage flowers 2 ounces; candy'd Citron peel, beat to a Mash 6 drams; pour on them Borage water 9 ounces; Meadow sweet water 3 ounces; Damask Rose water 2 ounces; having mix'd all very well in a marble Mortar, and let them stand cold an hour, strain out the Liquor and add to it juice of Kermes half an ounce; juice of Lemon 1 ounce; Syrup of Raspberries half an ounce; and pass it all through Hippocrates's sleeve, 'till it be pretty clear and fine.
It restrains the Fervour, and allays the impetuosity of the too inflammable Blood at the same time, it also clarifies and rouses up the Spirits, darkned and depress'd with atrabilarious Vapours, 'Tis a very grateful and comfortable thing in a burning Fever, especially if the Patient be inclinable to Hypochondriacism and Melancholy. You may give a large Wine glass full thrice a day.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710