A Cathartic Elixir.
Take Senna 6 drams; Rhubarb 2 drams; Liquorice 1 dram and half; Aniseed, Caraways, each 1 dram: Cochineal 1 scruple; Saffron half a scruple; Brandy 12 ounces; Aqua Miribalis, Cinnamon water, each 2 ounces; after due infusion, strain and add Syrup of Roses solutive 2 ounces, mix.
I account this as the best I ever met with of this kind. The Dose is 2 Spoonfuls at Night, and 3 the next Morning; or else 5 or 6 Spoonfuls in the Morning only.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710