A Cathartic Emulsion.
Take Rosin of Scammony, (or Scammony powder'd fine) half a scruple, or as much as suits the Patient's Constitution; Yolk of Egg 2 drams; white Sugar 1 dram; Damask Rose, and Barly, Cinnamon Water, each 6 drams; mix for one Dose.
This Rosin is wont to be faulty upon two accounts, either it will not dissolve in the Body, but be cast out again unaltered, without causing any purgation at all, or it will stick in the folds of the Ventricle, and Intestines, so as to work ruggedly, and cause sickness at Stomach, Vomiting, Gripes, and Hypercatharsis. But thus broken into minute Particles, and divided, and kept asunder by the admixture of the Yolk, it's perfectly cicurated, and useth to do its business effectually, and safely enough.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710