A Cephalic Electuary.
Take powder'd Male Piony root half an ounce; Humane Cranium, Cinnaber of Antimony (or rather Native) each 2 drams, candy'd Nutmeg 1 ounce; Syrup of Piony compound 2 ounces; or as much as is requir'd, Oil of Rosemary and Sage, each 4 drops, mix.
It chears and roborates the Brain, depurates the foul, and fixes the too Volatile Spirits, is beneficial in Convulsions, Epilepsy, Dizziness and Idiopathic Cephalalgie.
The Dose is from 1 dram to half an ounce Mornings and Nights, especially about New and Full Moon.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710