A Cephalic Julep.
Take Waters of Black Cherries 4 ounces; of Rue 3 ounces; Piony compound 2 ounces; Bryony compound 1 ounce; Tincture of Castor, Spirit of Lavender compound, each 2 drams; Oil of Nutmeg 4 drops; Syrup of Piony compound, 1 ounce and half; Powder called de Gutteta, 4 scruples, mix.
It's used with Benefit, against the Epilepsie, all kinds of Convulsive and Soporose Affections, the Head-ach, Giddiness and Palsey.
Five spoonfuls may be given, before, in, or immediately after a Paroxysm; but for Prevention, near the Lunary Periods; for about these Times the Brain suffers wonderful Alterations; insomuch, that at the Full-Moon, it groweth so turgid (which appears by Wounds of the Head) as to fill up the whole Capacity of the Skull; yea, hath often been seen thrust out through a Wound. And as the Moon waineth, it proportionably again subsides to the New, and then it's right in it's least Appearance. Thus we see Oisters, and all Shell Fish, are fuller and better at the Full, and the contrary at the New Moon.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710