A Common Emulsion.
Take sweet Almonds blanch'd, Cucumber, and white Poppy Seeds, each half an ounce; refined Sugar 1 ounce; beat these all together in a marble Mortar, 'till they are almost like Paste; then adding fine Barly Water, by little and little, a quart, and make an Emulsion, according to art, which strain and squeeze out, thro' a linnen cloth.
If the Sugar be thus beaten in with the Almonds and Seeds, it will fetch out their oiley parts, and make the Emulsion the whiter and better.
The uses are great and many:
1. For Heat, Estuosity, Erosions of the Stomach, and Thisrt: 2. For Fervors and Tortors of the Bladder, scalding Urine, and Gonorrhea: 3. Ebullation and Acrimony of the Blood in inflammatory Fevers, Pleurisies, Rheumatism, Watchings, and Delirium. 4. To supply and restore Serum when deficient in an ardent and hectic Fevers, the Body being parch'd and dry'd up: Summarily to Lenify, Supple, Refrigerate and Humect.
Let the Patient take a full satisfying Draught at Pleasure: if the Stomach be very tender and weak, let it be given warm.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710