A Decoction of Catechu compound.
Take Guaiacum, Sassaphras, each 3 drams; yellow and red Sanders, each 2 drams; the blackest part of Japanic Earth powdered half an ounce; Liqourice 1 ounce; dried Sage 1 handful; boil in Barly Water 3 pints to 30 ounces; strain it out, and set it by to settle; then pour off the clearest, and add Diacodium 2 ounces; Oil of Aniseed 1 drop, mix.
I have often observ'd it stop a thin Catarrh, beyond almost any other Medicine whatsoever. The Dose 4 ounces, three times a Day.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710