A Decoction of the Woods.
Take Guaiacum 4 ounces; Sassaphras 2 ounces; Sanders both red and yellow, each 1 ounce; Ivory, Harts-horn, each half an ounce; infuse and boil according to Art in Water 6 quarts to 3 quarts; then strain, and sweeten with Sugar so as to amke it grateful.
It warmeth, dried, attenuateth and procureth Sweat: Its suitable to such as are of a cold, shabby Temperament, and is used in Catarrhs, Gout, Palsy, Dropsy, Leucophlegmatia, Ulcers, &c. Its Dose is 4 ounces twice a day.
But for such as are of a Bilious Constitution, and have acrid Blood, the quantity of Guaiacum and Sassaphras ought to be diminis'd, and Sarsa and China may make it up.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710