A Diuretic Nitrous Julep.
Take Water of Cleavers 20 ounces: of Horse-Radish compound, Syrup of Marsh Mallows, each 6 ounces; Salt Prunel half an ounce; salt of Amber 2 scruples, mix.
It eliquates the Blood, dilutes the Juices, dissolves and drives out the tartarous Salt, and aggested Mucus, refrigerates, opens, deterges the Reins and Ureters. This seems a safer Medicine, when the region of the Loins rageth with Heat and Pain, than the above-said Aromatic one. But it's to be observed, that too liberal and frequent use of such kind of nitrous Diureticks, useth to weaken the Tone of the Kidneys. Give to drink four or six ounces three times a day.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710