A Draught of Volatiles.
Take Volatile Salt of Harts-horn half a scruple; Salt of Amber 5 grains; Canary Wine 4 ounces; Oil of Nutmegs 2 drops; white Sugar 2 drams, mix.
This is one of the most commodious forms of giving Volatile Salts, without much Affront to a nice Palate, and is really a sort of Sal Volatile Oleosum, prepar'd extempore. It supporteth and raiseth falling and prostate Spirits, dissolves Grumous, cuts Sizy, moves Stagnating and depurates Feculent Blood. 'Tis usually prescribed in Colds, with a dull heavy Head Ach, Lethargy, Palsy, Fainting, Trembling of the Heart, Pleurisies and Dropsy.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710