A Gargle with Myrrh.
Take red Astringent Wine 1 pint; powder'd Myrrh 2 drams, mix.
It Detergeth, Astringeth, Repelleth, Drieth, Healeth. Is a most excellent Wash for swell'd, fungous, flaccid, bleeding, eroded and putrid Gums; cleanseth and freeth the Mouth from foulness and ill scents; Healeth (even Venereal) Ulcers of the Jaws and Throat. Moreover it may be injected or snuffed up into the Nose, to good Purpose in an Ozena, where putrid Matter lodg'd in the little Caverns of the spongy Bones, sends forth abominably stinking Effluvia.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710