A Julep for Child-Bed Women.
Take waters of Baulm, and Black Cherries, each 3 ounces; of Barly Cinnamon, and Dr. Stephens's waters, and Syrup of Meconium, each 2 ounces; Liquid Laudanum 40 drops, mix.
It's a blessed and well-experimented Remedy for Puerperial After-Pains: And none here need fear stopping the Lochia, for that most frequently is occasioned by intense Pain, which by troubling the orderly Motion of the Spirits, convulsing the Fibres, constringing the Membranes of the Uterus, and Vagina, and pursing up the Mouths of the Vessels, suppresses the efflux by these ways: And therefore, Opiates that take off those Pains, hurry of Spirits, and Constrictions of Fibres, must needs promote the Purgation, and render it placid and plentiful.
And this is not a Practice only excogitated in a Study, and there deemed Rational; but is sufficiently vouched by undoubted Experience; and particularly my own. I know many are against it, and especially a late Author, whom I must for ever Honour, and therefore shall not name. But Dr. Willis saith, If there be a Suppression of the Lochia, together with violent Perturbation of the Blood, Vomiting, Thirst, and Watching; I have often known Luadanum (mix'd with Saffron) given with happy Success.
Dr. Sydenham, after trial of Emmenagogues to no purpose, gives one single Dose of Laudanum, joined with Emmenagogues, and saith however Astringent Laudanum may be of its own Nature; yet since it composeth the Perturbation of the Spirits, that interrupted the due Evacuation; it sometimes helps mightily, and recovers the desired Flux, when forcing Things would do nothing. But (which ought to be heeded carefully) if upon giving it once, the Lochia do not follow, the Opium is not to be repeated; for if it be, 'twill so perfectly stop them up, that they cannot be provoked again by any Art.
Perhaps this Caution of his may be right enough, in case a total Suppression from loss of Spirits, and Failure of Nature, occasioned by an hard Labour, and Flooding. But otherwise, when the Catemenia flowed not freely enough, and Strength was not wanting: I have seen where Laudanum daily repeated, hath brought them down fresh again, quelled Hysteric Vapours, Caused Rest, and supported more, than the highest Cordial could do. The Dose is four ounces, to be repeated as the Occasion requires.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710