A Lohoch of Myrrh.
Take Myrrh well powdered 2 drams; Saffron half a scruple; Nutmeg half a dram; Honey 2 ounces, mix.
This trusty Thoracic has the Privilege to be readily admitted (the Blood introducing it) into the inmost Penetralia of the Lungs, there to dissolve thick impacted Matter, deterge the Canals and Vesicles, dissipate Tubercles, heal Excoriations and little Breaches, imbue the whole Body of the Lungs with Balsam, impart Tone and Strengh to its Fibres. In short, it's truly a most desirable and gallant Medicine for such a Consumption as is not yet gone beyond its first Stade.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710