A Lohoch with Garlic.
Take Lohoch Sanans 1 ounce and half; Garlic candy'd (as in Pharmac. Bat.) half an onnce; Gum Ammoniac (dissolv'd in white Wine, and strain'd) 1 dram; powder of Arum Compound, Myrrh, each half a dram, mix.
It powerfully incides thick Matter impacted in the Tubes of the Bronchia, and even the uttermost Vesicles of the Trachea. And by pricking the Fibre Motrices, and provoking a Cough, causes it to be forcibly cast out.
For Garlic is endu'd with such Acrid, Volatile wonderfully penetrating, all searching and stimulating Particles, that we find (saith Bennet) upon eating it, Issues will plainly smell of it, and grow sore and painful. And (Lower observes) if bruis'd Garlick be laid to the Feet, the Breath will stink of it.
But this Medicine is in no wise convenient, where there's a thin, acrid Defluxion, Haemoptosis, estuation of the Blood, or Praecordia and hot Constitution of Body.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710