A Lotion for the Face.
Take Litharge of Silver powdered, half an ounce; Vinegar 4 ounces; boil to the Evaporation of a third part. And in another Vessel boil Alum and Salt, each half an ounce, in Rosewater half a pint, till it be despumated, and then mix both Liquors together. Litharge of Gold and Silver are the same thing, only the yellow sort hath undergone a greater degree of Fire than the White, and perhaps may be a little more drying and restrictive. Both are but a Spume blown off in the refining of Silver from Lead, and perhaps meer burnt Lead; for they may be reduced again into Lead by melting with Charcoal. And that which Vinegar takes out of Litharge, is scarce at all different from Sacharum Saturni.
It washeth away Spots, destroys foul cutaneous Ferment, repels and drives in the Matter, and then shuts the Pores, that it break not out again. Let the Face be washed, and gently rubbed with it, twice a day, suffering it to dry in of it self.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710