A Martial Tincture.
Take salt of Mars of Riverius (described cap. de Melanch. Hypoch.) soluble Tartar (of which see Collect. Chymic. Leydens.p.444.) each half an ounce; expose them in a Cellar to the Air, till melted; then add Saffron 2 drams; spirituous Cinnamon-water 8 ounces; let them stand cold, and close stop'd up, for a good while, and then filtre for use.
The Communicator faith, its effectual against Palpitation of the Heart, Hypochondriac Melancholy, Cachexy, Womens Obstructions, Cardialgy. Give a Spoonful Night and Morn in white or Canary wine, for 40 days running; for sometimes in inveterate, and pertinacious affections of the Ventricle, Spleen and Uterus, Chalybeates ought to be given a whole Year together.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710