A Pectoral Mixture.
Take of the Pectoral Decoction 30 ounces; Tincture of Saffron (made in Treacle Water) 6 drams; Tincture of Benjamin 2 drams; Syrup of Ground Ivy 1 ounce and half; Oil of Anise 1 drop, mix.
The Pectoral Decoction (by means of it's mucilaginous, incrassating and mollifying Substance) generates soft Juices, retunds the Acrimony of the Blood, freshens its muriatic Saltness, and hinders its Colloquation. And then Saffron, Benjamin, Aniseed and Ground Ivy, (upon account of their Aromatic, Balsamic and Volatile parts) roborate the Lungs themselves, delicately stimulate and instigate the excretory Efforts.
And so this Mixture prevents the breeding of such irritating Humours as provoke a Cough, frees the Lungs from the offensive load of Phlegm gathered in them, and fortifies 'em against the Incursion of more of the same.
Let 6 ounces be supped up as hot as Coffee, thrice a day.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710