A Peruvian Electuary.
Take finely powder'd Peruvian Bark 1 ounce; the blackest part of Japanic Earth 1 dram; Balsam of Peru half a dram; Oil of Nutmeg 2 drops; Syrup of Raspberries 3 ounces, mix.
Sometimes (when there's no fear of a Diarrhea) I omit the Japanic Earth, and add fresh Butter half an ounce; for its oileyness and smoothness makes the Bark much easier to be swallow'd, and then it sits not so hard upon the Stomach neither.
If it chance to occasion a Diarrhea, I add powder of Balaustines: And to the Evening and Morning Doses 15 or 20 drops of Liquid Laudanum.
Its a true Specific against any sort of of Intermitting, or fairly Remitting Fevers, and is contrived for 8 Doses, to be given every 3 or 4 hours.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710