A Purging hydropic Potion.
Take powdered Jalap root half a dram; Ginger 2 grains; Salt of Tartar 12 grains; Whitewine 3 ounces; Syrup of Roses solutive 1 ounce; Domestick Syrup half an ounce, mix.
As to the Method of Purging Dropsical Persons, our famous Sydenham would, First, That such Cathartics only be used, as work smartly, and apace. Secondly, That they be given daily, unless it be found reasonable to omit now and then a Day or two, when the Patient is too weak to go through with it; or when the preceding Purge worked almost too much. Thirdly, That Purging be continued on in a Course, without ceasing (except upon some urging Necessity) until all the whole Mass of Water be drained off.
I know not whether that of Ettmuller will be thought of use, where he faith, It's best Purging those that have the Dropsie in the decrease of the Moon: For in the increase the Disease increases also; and on the contrary, in the decrease it decreases. And Purging will do most good, when we have Nature helping us.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710