A Quilt for a Cap.
Take Male Piony root 2 drams; Spanish Angelica root 1 dram; Florentine Orris, Lavender flowers, each half a dram; Arabian Stechas flowers 1 dram; Cloves, Nutmeg, Mace, each 1 scruple; Storax calamite, Labdanum, Amber, Balsam of Tolu, each 1 dram; Oil of Rosemary 5 drops; reduce it to a gross Powder; which being mix'd into Cotton, is to be quilted in a silk Cap according to Art.
Every Night at Bed-time, let this Cap be sumed fumed and warm'd with the smoak of Amber, Olibanum, Balsam of Tolu, or the like, Sprinkled upon Coals.
Its of signal use in Humid, Pituitose Affections of the Head, in cold, customary, rheumatic Pains of the same. And its believ'd to recreate the Spirits, and roborate the Brain.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710