Cache-Control: public, max-age=1024000 Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea: A Saponaceous Glyster

A Saponaceous Glyster.

Take Mallows, Golden Rod, each 1 handful; Juniper and Bay Berries; Daucus and Parsley Seed each 2 drams; boil in Water to 12 ounces; in the strained dissolve Castile Soap half an ounce; Oil of Camomile 1 ounce; Oil of Anniseed, 30 drops; Syrup of Violets 2 ounces, mix.

It potently disperseth Wind, softneth indurated Feces, evacuateth the Intestines, lubricateth the Urinary Passages, expelleth Sand, and therefore, upon all these accounts, belongs especially to, and is very commodious for those that are troubled with Gravel and Sand.

Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710