A Scorbutic Foment.
Take Ground Pine, Henbane, each two handfuls; Winters Cinnamon half an ounce; Horse-Radish root, Earth Worms (added at last) each 2 ounces; boil in Limewater 3 pints to 1 quart; to the strain'd add Spirit of Scurvy grass 2 ounces; Opium 1 dram, mix.
Its prevalent in sixt Scorbutic Pains, for as much as it sustains the Tone of the parts, layeth the weary Spirits to rest, knappeth off the sharp points of the Salts, and forceth the acrid Ichor to evaporate either by insensible Effluvia or Sweat.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710