A Tobacco for Consumptions.
Take Pistachio peels 3 drams; dry'd Hyssop white Horebound, Rosa solis each 2 drams, Auripigment, Tobacco, each half an ounce; reduce all into an exquisitely fine Powder; which grind upon a Marble with Yolk of Egg, till it become just like Painters Paint. This lay upon the rough side of Coltsfoot leaves with a Pencil or Knife, and hang them by single. When they are dry, cut them with Scissors fit for a Pipe.
Smoak it, like Tobacco, Morn and Even, and as you are smoaking, draw it into the Lungs with your Breath, and cough it out again.
Dr, Willis Faith, Empericks ordinarily prescribes smoaking of Orpiment like Tobacco; and sometimes with good success. And its a practice with the common People, to sinoak bits of Cloth painted with Orpiment (such as we find us'd for Hangings in some old Houses) and suck it into their Lungs, for a Cure of Consumptions.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710