An Apophlegmatic Lohoch.
Take Syrup of Hyssop 2 ounces and a half; Oil of sweet Almonds 1 ounce; Oil of Anniseed 2 drops; Tincture of Myrrh 1 dram; powder'd Orris root 4 scruples; Flower of Benjamin half a scruple; Tobacco 4 grains, mix.
By pricking the Parts, drawing the limpid Saliva, inciding thick Phlegm exonerating the Glands, and lubricating the Passages. It brings viscid Phlegm up out of the Throat, and is useful whensoever the Uvula, Parotides, and internal Parts of the Gula are swell'd, and oppress'd with mucous Filth: And when the Secretion is to be provok'd, and a failing Cough to be recover'd.
Thomas Fuller
Pharmacopeia Extemporanea 1710